Chapter 11 - Mike

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I look at Rainey eating her pizza... no, the more precise word is enjoying. I've been with women who eat their food like it is toxic. And somehow I couldn't understand why they still order their food when they just want to eat a spoon.

The way Rainey enjoys her food makes her look more beautiful. Some of The Hall employees come in and order their food. Looks like this place is famous around the employees.

"You often came here?" I ask Rainey.

She nods "once a week" she giggles. "I love the pizza here. One of the best, right!"

I chuckle "yes it is." It's true. JJ makes a great pizza. Why haven't I eaten here before? Because you are too busy to look around.

"Madeline took me here the first day I worked for Ethan. She said Ethan also loved the pizza here"

I blink "Ethan?" My best friend knows this place and didn't tell me. What kind of best friend is he?

"Yes. They often take away the pizza. I ordered more than twice for them."

"Jeez. He never mentioned this place to me" I complain and Rainey laughs.

"Hey Mike. You know a lot of people right?"

"Um... define a lot" is she going to talk about the women I've slept with or...

"Mind out of gutter Mr. Anderson" she gives me a look. "I'm talking about connection. I want to give Meredith something custom made. Every woman wants to make a robe or shirt with her husband's name. But I don't think Meredith can have it without causing viral" she giggles.

Of course, Meredith is a superstar in Hollywood not to mention one of the fashion icons in the world. Somehow I'm sure she is longing for doing something without anyone noticing about it.

"Well we can go to the printing clothes and make a custom made one"

"Can it be done by tomorrow?"

I shrug "I doubt"

"That's the problem. I want it done by tomorrow. So I can give her for the bachelorette party"

"Ah I got it. Let me check" I take my phone out.

"Thank you boss" she grins and goes to the chiller.

I check on my phone. Ah, I remember our marketing team. They made merchandise for one of our events with a girl band from Korea. They made like custom made robes, pajamas, slippers and all shit women love to buy. I called one of our marketing heads and asked her about the merchandise vendor. She gives me the name and the contact.

Rainey comes back and I grin at her. "Let's go. We're going to meet Clara. She was the one who can help you" I wink at her. Rainey grins at me "you are my hero!"

I laugh and I feel taller now. I take out my wallet. Rainey shakes her head "it's taken care of"

"No way. I'm not going to let you pay for the meal"

She smiles "please. You help me with this. This is the least I can do" she gives me her puppy eyes. I look at her and damn she knows she won this match. "You know you have power with that eyes" I say dryly and put my wallet back in my pocket, but I know my lips twitch up. She laughs and winks at me.

My cock winks at her too. Damn!

"Hey Rainey... how come you know I can help you with this? You paid before I told you" I ask her when we walk toward the door. I open the door for her.

She grins. "Let's say I know you better than you gave me credits for."


Clara promised us that she will give us the stuff tomorrow. I don't know what Rainey ordered for Meredith. I was just walking through all the displays when Rainey talked with Clara. After all this is her present for Meredith and for sure this is girls stuff that I know I couldn't help her with.

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