Chapter 17 - Rainey

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Here we are in San Diego. Mike gets down the car and jogs to my side and opens the door "ready to meet the wolves?" He whispers.

I bite my lip and get out of the car "wish me luck" I say under my breath.

Mike holds my waists. "Rainey, here in San Diego, I'm your boyfriend. Right?" I look at him and nod.

"So I need permission to touch and kiss you" Mike says, his blue eyes never leaving me. And once again my heart does the cha-cha dance. "um.. you didn't have a problem with that before" I say matter of factly.

He chuckles. "I know. But here is not just a stolen kiss. We will have to act like a couple. Touching kissing all the time we have chances"

I bite my lower lip. Do I have any other choice? You want it anyway, Rainey. "Okay" I say softly.

He nods and leans closer to me slowly and kisses me. God I could die just from this kiss. We are still kissing when someone not too subtle clears her throat. I jump back, so does Mike.

"Mom..." Mike says. Jesus Christ! Mike's mom's first impression of me , I made out with his son in front of their house. My face feels super hot.

I look at the woman. Mike's mother. Molly Anderson. She is still pretty in her 50s. She smiles warmly at us "Mikey!" She hugs her son "finally you arrived." She looks at me and smiles. "Rainey?"

I nod and she lunges forward to hug me. She is a hugger. I glance at Mike. He smiles apologetically. I smile reassuringly at him. When Molly pulls back, I smile "Hi Molly, it's nice to finally meet you in person"

"Me too, Rainey. Come on! Everyone is waiting for you two." She takes my hand. "Mikey brings your woman's bag. Sometimes you need to use your muscle"

Mike chuckles "yes mam"


My head is spinning. The Andersons are a huge family. I know Mike's family, because he told me on the phone 2 days ago. But I didn't know he has a lot of cousins, uncles and aunts. Maybe 50 in total. And they live in the neighbors, some of the cousins live in LA or Santa Barbara. So everyone is here for the family gathering. All of them are so nice. I feel welcomed.

Mike rounds his arm on my waist. "You okay?" He whispers. I giggle "trying my best to make The Andersons family tree in my head" he laughs and kisses my head. I look at him and he smiles at me. And damn my heart does a tango now.

"Mike!!" Someone is calling behind us. We look at the voice. It's a beautiful woman. Actually she looks like Mike. This must be Mattia or Michiel. Mike's sister.

"Matt!" Mike says and pulls me to walk to his sister. They exchange hugs. Mattia looks at me and smiles "hi Rainey" she hugs me too. Looks like Mike's family is a hugger.

"Hi, you must be Mattia, Mike's sister" I smile.

"Mike's favorite sis" she winks and Mike rolls his eyes at her sister words.

"Where is my niece?"

"With her dad. Stuck with mom and dad over there"

"My niece, Macy, is the cutest thing in this world. But she is so shy. It's not easy for you to get too close with her" Mike explains.

I smile. Mike told me before he has a 4 years old niece, but he didn't tell me about this girl's personality.

"Ah there she is! Ric, Macy come here. Look who is here" Matt says. The big guy and the little girl on his hand come to us.

"Ric, this is Rainey, Mike's girlfriend. Rainey, this is Ricardo, my husband for 5 years. And this cutie pie is my daughter, Macy."

"Hi Rainey! Hope you're not too stressed here." He laughs and I shake my head "nothing I can't handle" I look at the girl. She is spitting images of her mom "hi little girl. Looks like you got your look from mommy."

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