Chapter 13

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Maddie's POV:

"Hiiiii daaaaaadd!" I said while walking into his office. He looked up at me from his paperwork and smiled at me.

"Not that I'm not happy that your here but why are you here?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Heyyyy I didn't know you could do that with your eyebrow! Sorry I got distracted. Any whooo I was wondering if you thought about the ball?" I asked while sitting down with an innocent smile.

He sighed and said, "yes I've thought about it and told you grandfather that I think that it's a good job. We already sent out the invitations to certain people. And I sent some of your brothers to get a dress for you a little over an hour ago."

"Dad, they'll try to find a dress that looks close to a nun. I actually saw a dress in Charlotte Russe that I really liked can I send the pic I have of it to them so they can get it?"

He looked really hesitant to give in but I pulled the puppy eye card on him and he nodded his head.

"YAYYY!!! Thank you thank you thank youuuu!!!" I screamed while hugging him. He just laughed and told me to find Seb and Tris for dinner.

I walked out of his office with a smile on my face. I walked downstairs because I thought I heard Sebastian down there but when I got there he wasn't there and neither was Tristan.

"Seb?" No answer.

"Sebastian?" No answer. "Come on this isn't funny!" I turned around and came face to face with a dark hallway. That's strange I never turned the light off. I went to the light switch and turned it on and heard a loud boo come from behind me.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!" I fell to the floor and looked up to see Sebastian and Tristan laughing their booties off.

A couple seconds later another door burst open showing Mike, Rodger and a bunch of other guards with guns in their hands and then dad with a gun and a bat.

"SEBASTIAN ALLAN BLAKE AND TRISTAN DAVID BLAKE!!! HOW DARE YOU SCARE THE LIVING DAYLIGHTS OUT OF YOUR SISTER AND HAVE US HAVE A HEART-ATTACK BECAUSE WE THOUGHT WE WERE UNDER ATTACK!!!" Dad screamed. I felt my airways closing in and my breathing becoming layered. Oh crap I'm having a panic attack!! No dip Sherlock try breathing!!

"I'm sorry dad but I did—-" before Sebastian could finish his sentence Tristan screamed, "oh shit!! DAD MADDIES HAVING A PANIC ATTACK!!!" He said while sitting in front of me.

I managed to wheeze out a, "st-stop s-scr-eaming," before dad moved him out of the way and put my hand on his chest telling me to breath like him.

"Come on Maddie. Breathe like me feel my heartbeat, try and match it. Mike get her inhaler!" I started seeing black and white spots in my eyesight and I started to feel tired.

"No no no Maddie you need to stay awake for me come on just a little while longer. Where is Mike?!"

"Right here sir!!" He screamed while running through the doors and giving dad my inhaler. Dad put it in my mouth and pressed the button 3 times before I started to breathe normal now.

"I-I'm f-fine now," I immediately cringed at how my voice sounded. "W-water." Rodger left to go and get me some when Sebastian and Tristan stared frantically apologizing to me. I tried telling them to stop because I was getting a splitting headache but before I could tell them Rodger gave me a water and two aleve's.

"Boys stop your making her headache worse," he said.

"How do you know she has one?" Dad asked.

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