The Heroic Death

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(Y/N: Your name
L/N: Last name
Slanted font means the characters are talking in mind)

It all started with you having one of your favorite dreams about living life in an exciting fantasy world. You were at the top of steep cliff on the edge of a volcano and in front of you was a giant fire breathing dragon. Your party behind you looked scared while you were eager to face the menacing beast. With a sword on one hand and a shield on the other, you jumped as high as you could towards the dragon's face about to strike. That is until your alarm clock went off and the next thing you woke up in mid air and fell to the floor.

Y/N: Oooouch. Dang it and I was just getting to the best part.

You turned off your alarm clock and got dressed in your casual clothes (Some white shoes, black jeans, a white shirt, and a blue sweater). You always lived home alone because both your parents would go on business trips all the time. It bothered you at first but you soon got used to it because you knew that they would always care about you. Sure you miss them but they always wrote letters to you asking how were you. Especially your mom, she would constantly ask if you had a girlfriend. It surprised her when you told her no because you were well the typical cute boy who was kind, warm-hearted, and always positive. Though one weakness you had was your shyness. You left the house and texted your long time buddy Kazuma saying that you were coming over to his place in a bit to play that new mmo game. He was getting it while you were on your way getting some snacks. At the convenience store, you were at the register with a ton of chips and soda. At the register, the cashier was a cute girl around your age chewing bubblegum.

Cashier: Will that be all sir?

Y/N: Yup

Now you're not the type of guy who's shy around girls, but because of your looks every girl you talked to would blush and stutter. Especially when you smiled. And that's what she did.

Cashier: O-Okay t-then. H-Here's your change and receipt cutie.

You blushed a bit but stayed calm. Whenever a girl complimented you, it'll throw you off guard and you'd start getting flattered. As you were about to get your receipt, the doors opened and you heard a man shout furiously.

Unknown man: Alright you two on the floor NOW!

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at you signaling you to go down on the floor. He then aimed at the cashier demanding her to put all the money in the bag.


I looked up seeing the girl in fear, doing what she was told hoping not to get hurt. It always made me mad seeing someone in fear. What could I do? I know I can't stop him, but I can't just lay here and see a person in danger. Think of something, what would dad do? I then remembered something dad once told me, "If someone is in need, help them and smile so that they'll know everything will be alright." Those words stood with me and gave my an idea. The man wasn't paying attention to me so with all my strength and speed, I takled him to the ground. Luckily he dropped his gun and I was on him repeatedly punching him. My hands even started to hurt but I still kept on punching. Sooner or later the man stopped moving. I assumed he was knocked out and I sighed in relief. I stood up all exhausted. I then see the cashier running up to me, passing the man, and hugging me saying that I was her hero. I looked at her and smiled which made her blush again. With us being distracted, I didn't expect anything else to happen. Oh boy was I wrong. I saw the man getting up and reaching in his jacket pulling out another gun. This was bad. We were still hugging and if he took the shot he would be going for her. Without thinking I turned us around so that he was looking at my back and I heard multiple gun shots. I looked at the girl and she wasn't hit. I then started to feel uneasily and collapsed. Everything was starting to get blurry. I looked on the floor seeing that it was covered in blood. My blood. I saw the man taking the money and running off. The girl was holding me in her arms as I started to see a light. I then heard a mysterious voice. It sounded like a girl with an elegant voice. She called out, "Come now, it's okay now." After that everything went dark.

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