A Masochist Crusader and STEAL

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Today's Result:
Successfully Killed 6/5 Giant Toads

Aqua, Kazuma, Megumin, and Y/N we're on their way to the guild to claim their reward. Aqua was crying about being covered in slime again while holding onto Y/N as he was trying to comfort her. Meanwhile Kazuma was annoyed and Megumin was on Kazuma's back since she couldn't move.

Aqua: I-I smell horrible.

Y/N: Hey it's okay Aqua as long as your safe it ain't that bad.

Aqua: But I smell.

Megumin: I don't know if you knew but the inside of a toad of both stinky and cozy.

Kazuma: Gee thanks I wanted to know what it's like.

Y/N: Really? I thought it would be all cold and wet.

Kazuma: You're banned from using explosion magic again unless it's an emergency. From now on stick to less apocalyptic magic. Got it?

Megumin: That's not possible.

Kazuma: Why not?

Megumin: Explosion magic is the only magic I can use. I don't know how to cast any other spells.

Kazuma: Seriously?

Megumin: Seriously.

Silence followed by the sound of a woman chasing her geese.

Aqua: But if your level is high enough to use explosion, shouldn't you be able to use other magic too? Why even I couldn't learn all the arch priest spells I needed until after I learned all the party trick spells first.

Y/N: Party tricks? That's a thing?

Megumin: I am an arch wizard who loves explosion magic more than anything. I can't stand the other spells in the detonation family. They suck. Explosion is the one for me. I'll admit quest would be easy if I knew other spells, but I refuse! I love the explosion spell more than anything. I don't care if I can only use it once a day or that it drains me so much it knocks me on my face. I will always, always love explosion! When I started I chose to walk the path of the arch wizard just so I can cast that one glorious spell!

Aqua: That's amazing and wonderful! Even though your goal is totally bonkers, I love the passion you have for it. Don't you agree Y/N?

Y/N: Definitely. Nothings more inspiring than the dedication of ones passion even if some might say otherwise, you choose to follow your heart. That's awesome Megumin.

Kazuma: So basically this mage is useless. Hell if Aqua gets where she's coming from she's gotta be. I mean just going off how our two fights with the toads went this goddess is as useless as it gets. The last thing I need is another Aqua in my life. Why couldn't we get someone who's like Y/N, actually useful? Still, why is he agreeing with them? I gotta do something fast.

Y/N: So Megumin how about it, wanna join our party?

Megumin: *smiles* Yea-

Kazuma: Well it sounds like life's gonna be tough for you but hang in there. Once we get back to the guild we'll split the reward and then we'll see you again soon-

Life with a Useless Goddess (Reader X Aqua)Where stories live. Discover now