Aqua's Debts

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Y/N and Kazuma were at a table. Kazuma had just leaned another skill. He raised out his hand and aimed at a cup.


Kazuma: Create water!

Water starting squirting out of his hand and landed in the cup in the most simplest way ever. It was like a cheap squirt gun.

Y/N: *Drinks it*

Kazuma: How is it?

Y/N: Well it's not as clear as Aqua's, but it ain't bad. It honestly tastes like fountain water, the clean kind too. Not bad.

Kazuma: I know right? Now that I got a skill, I feel like more of an adventurer.

Y/N: That's the spirit.

Darkness walks in the guild wearing her new repaired armor.

Darkness: Y/N. Kazuma. I had my armor repaired with the bounty I received from the cabbage harvest. Does it not look brilliant? What do you think.

Kazuma: Eh kinda looks like the kind of junk a spoiled aristocrat would wear.

Darkness: Oh honesty would it hurt to pay a lady a comment were now and then? You're so rough, you never show any mercy. What about you Y/N?

Y/N: I think you look great! *smiles*

Darkness: *blushes* Oh and there you are, being kind to me and always teasing a girl like me with that smile.

Y/N: Wait what I was just trying to be nice.

Kazuma: Hey Y/N could you tell that other weirdo to stop distracting me. If someone doesn't stop her, she'll out perv Darkness.

I then turned around to see Megumin rubbing herself all over her staff talking to herself.

Megumin: Oh I love you manatite staff with your throbbing magical power. *moaning*

Y/N: Uhh Megumin, why are you caressing your staff like tha-

Aqua: That's all?!

Y/N: Huh?

I looked to see Aqua being mad at something while grabbing Luna by her shirt.

Aqua: What are you trying to pull here, I caught a ton of cabbages and that's all your offering?!

Luna: Well actually...

Aqua: Go on.

Luna: I checked your pile and I'm afraid most of what you caught was lettuce.

Luna: I checked your pile and I'm afraid most of what you caught was lettuce

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Aqua: Well why is there lettuce mixed in with all my cabbages?

Darkness: True, lettuce does have a lower value than cabbages.

Kazuma: You learn something new every day huh?

Aqua let's go of Luna's shirt and walks over to us all mad and then out of nowhere happy and innocent.

Life with a Useless Goddess (Reader X Aqua)Where stories live. Discover now