Chapter 13

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What the hell is this stupid shit? I tried to wrap my brain around the thing known as Math Homework, but I just couldn't. Algebra 1 was already as hard as it is, why is there even such thing as Algebra 2 at this point? I grumbled, tapping my pen impatiently as I read the question over and over again. I was stolen from my thoughts, hearing my phone dinging. Someone texted me. I set down my pen so I could reach for my phone. My other hand was occupied. Petting your dog was a serious task, okay? I turned on my phone and as soon as I read who it was from, my heart was nearly beating out of my chest. I cant believe I spent all day waiting for Darryl to text me, just to get salty over my shit-friends and forget he was going to text me! I looked at the time, it was 6pm. Darryl had been three hours late. I frowned, but unlocked my phone and opened our new dm anyway.

new kid

————— 6:07pm —————

Hey zak! Im sorry i didnt text you earlier :( i was dragged around for a while and took a nap.

Its okiy

I ws just tryn to di math homework

I finished the homework already, how are you struggling? >_>

I dont knw how 2 fidn th fucking square root For numbr 14

Oh my goodness language

Fuck shit damn 

LANGUAGE you muffin!!! 



I sighed, a soft smile forming on my face. It was pretty funny to tease him, I'm pretty sure I have sadist blood in me. Or maybe I'm just overreacting about my symptoms. Oh well, I had a question.

Id you reda the groyp chat?



Jst c


Are you coming to vincent's party tho

Oh yeahh he invited me earlier, i said i'd go

im going too

I didnt take you as a party guy Zak

Bro u litrlly look like a nerd dont judge apprnences

Ok ok.

I'll see you there then right?



Do you need any help with your homework

Omg yes plz

And so, for the rest of the night, we just texted. He basically tutored me about the math, while scolding me at the same time. Said he felt bad for our teachers now. What a dork. I was more excited to go to a group party. Of course, I was really happy for Vincent, he was turning 16! We've always dreamed of our 16th birthday, because we always said it was a turning point for us all. We'll see how true that is...


Im back in school now. Between finishing homework, going to sleep, and suffering through 2 hours of school, time passed quicker than I thought was usual. It felt weird, like the Earth spun faster and time increased by 2x. It was odd, and I was confused when I found myself in the middle of English class again. Right, we were getting into groups for our play in two weeks. I wasn't a very creative one, so I let Maya do a lot of the brainstorming. I stared at her while she stared at Darryl. I was pretty far away from the conversation, only focusing on the fact that she looked horrible. Her hair was a little too short, and her eyes looked yellow and brown. It was the colour of poop! Surely Darry had to think the same, right? The yellow she wore like a crown made her look straight out of a toilet. I guess she noticed me staring because our table was  quiet now. She frowned as she glanced at me, and I looked towards my desk. I tapped back into the conversation. "As I was saying... I was thinking we should do Romeo and Juliet." She said proudly, as if she would gain anything from this. Darryl looked unsure and I raised an eyebrow, leaning back in my chair.

"We have to make an original play, Maya." I hissed her name as if saying it left a taste of poison on my tongue. She glared at me, before countering.

"We'll just rip it off or something. They wont even know." I knew what she was doing. Simultaneously, we both looked to Darryl. He definitely was shocked to see us both staring at him, so he cleared his throat and spoke up.

"I think.. we need to come up with something else, w-we cant just rip off Romeo and Juliet-"

"HA!" I huffed triumphantly, earning a few stares.

"Have something to say, Zak?" Maya asked, looking smug. I hated her guts. 

"Yeah, just that your idea was bad." I muttered back, and she glared daggers in return. Darryl was right in the middle of the whole thing, so he had to relieve this tension.

"O-Okay, come on guys. We can just think of something else, and maybe reference Romeo and Juliet or something..." I knew he meant well, but it only made Maya feel better.  Maya's innocent eyes returned, leaning in a little closer to Darryl. 

"Thank you, Darryl!" She said with a sickening smile, "you're really good at compromise..." 

Darryl was bright red, as anyone would be. "O-Oh.. thanks?" Right, he was definitely disturbed.

Even so, I hate Maya. I wish she was dead. I didnt even notice myself tugging at my hair in annoyance, but I guess Darryl did because he asked why I was pulling out my hair. Whoops. I couldn't let him feel bad, so I came up with a lie. "Um.. my head kind of hurts. I'm going to be right back," I ended in a whisper-kind of tone. Darryl nodded, but definitely looked concerned. If I wasn't so upset and disgusted in a scoffing Maya, then I'd have butterflies. I got up and went to the teacher to ask if I could use the bathroom. She reluctantly told me I could go, and I was out the door within seconds.

I ran through the halls, starting to feel tears forming and starting to spill onto my hoodie. I was just overwhelmed, because it felt like I had no feelings while I cried. I opened the bathroom door and locked myself in the small room. It wasn't in stalls like the rest of them, which is why I like this bathroom a bit more. I stumbled to the other side of the bathroom and dropped to the floor, letting my tears fall in silence.

I hate her.


Word Count: 1087 words

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