Chapter 18

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TW:: underaged drinking 

We were all inside now, as it started to get pretty dark outside. I hated the loud music playing in my ears-- it shook my whole being and that made me want to throw up. I suppressed my feelings though. Vincent had given me his clothes to wear, though it was a little big on me. Okay, I'm not that short but when you compare me to Vincent, Darryl.. Tommy.... Wilbur.. Dave.... Geo... Clay-- OKAY. So maybe I was shorter than all my friends, so what? I sighed, wearing a black T-Shirt and jeans. I'm one of those kids who felt so cold and self-conscious when I was out of my hoodie, but I dealt with it anyway. I was by the drink table with Vincent and Sapnap, holding an empty red cup. Vincent and Sapnap went before me, so I was just waiting. Suddenly (once a-fucking-gain), there was a figure behind me in line. It almost spooked me, but the fact that there were people all around me muffled the feeling. "Hey! Is Zak gonna drink?" I was being teased, by the one and only Vurb. I turned around to look him in the eyes. I disliked him.

"No, I'm not." I replied sternly. Already, some of the wasted kids were talking about it. I don't know why everyone here was talking about me. I mean, I was thrown into the pool merely half an hour ago but-- Oh, someone probably recorded it and put it on Instagram. This was fucked up.

"Oh, why not? It's just a drink!" Vurb whined. How did anyone like this freak? I frowned as he continued. "You're not scared, are you?"

Feeling anger boiling in my stomach, I went to retaliate. "Arran, I'm not gonna-" but then I was cut off by Vincent.

"Come on, Zak! Just have a little." He nudged me, but I could tell he was just doing this for looks. I gave him a dirty look, whispering to him.

"What?! You do it!"

He whispered back, "You don't have to drink it all, please, Zak?!"

This guy is supposed to be my friend, huh? I grumbled a bit. "You owe me." I just grabbed the closest thing I could find. I had no idea what it was, but it was dark red, so I could only assume it was wine. I poured some into my cup, the deep red brightening against the white inner walls of my red solo cup. I stared into Vurb's soul, who was smiling and waiting.

I took a long sip, and everyone started cheering. The flavour wasn't at all what I was expecting, it definitely wasn't what I was expecting, which made me cough. It wasn't bad- quite the opposite, actually. It tasted like fruit juice-- the really pleasant kind. Of course the sting at the back of my throat reminded me there was definitely alcohol in it, but I'd drink it again if I was forced to. Vincent ended up pulling me away from the table, letting others get drinks now. We went over to our little group- there were two now. Clay, Wilbur, George, Sapnap, and Tommy were jamming out and laughing at the other side of the house, while I got dragged to the group where Geo and Darryl were chatting. Mega and Zelkam were outside by the pool, probably making out haha. Geo and Darryl stopped talking when Vincent and I showed up, and Darryl gave me a concerned face. "What was that about?"

"Stupid Vurb wanted me to drink something." My eyebrows furrowed as I put on a face of disappointment. I pointed to Vincent, who let go of my arm. "And this dipshit here encouraged me."


"Come on, Zak! I could really impress Vurb!" Vincent whined, his French accent made it funnier, but not enough to make me less salty. I hated parties.

"Oh yeah, having me drink after being thrown into the pool would definitely up your reputation." I replied sarcastically, and Geo laughed. I moved to stand next to Darryl and lean up against the wall as I took another sip of my drink. I was really thirsty after almost being drowned in stagnant pool water, okay? "What the hell is this? It tastes like fruit punch."

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