Chapter 21

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It had only been 4 hours and I already wanted to go home. Even more than a normal day, I mean. It's taken me all my energy and effort to not just get up and walk back to my house. It's time for lunch, and I was a little late so I was walking alone. I could just leave right now. It'd be so easy. I'll just ignore that it sounded incredibly suicidal. I glanced at the glass doors that lead out the building and sighed, continuing to make my way to the cafeteria. Every time someone had the chance, they'd either ask me about something super personal, they'd go up to me and be super 'supportive', or they'd just call me names. It was the worst, and I've never felt so embarrassed in my life. It was giving me headaches, so I went down to the nurses office to get some painkillers from Nurse Grian (because Nurse Stress was out today). Lo and behold, I met with another roadblock. Two guys were standing at the end of the hallway. They didn't look that familiar, but I knew they were definitely in their senior year. I felt awkward walking by, so I tried to rush past- but as I was speeding up the two guys saw me and stepped in front to block my way to the cafeteria. Oh no. The darker haired one spoke first. "Yo, Zak. What are you doing out here kissing dudes?" I frowned. It was one of those people.

"I'm trying to leave, just move." I replied sternly, trying to fight the blush from my cheeks. He worded it so weirdly. I would only ever kiss Darryl, and maybe Vincent if it was life-or-death-- not the point. The lighter hair boy knitted his eyebrows before shoving me to the floor. I wasn't that hurt, but let out a sharp cry at the surprise. "What the hell?!" I shouted, getting angry. Being on the floor during a fight wasn't the best tactic. What did you expect me to do, bite their ankles?

"Don't get smart with us!" The lighter one shouted, ouch

"Being gay is disgusting." Do you see what I'm talking about now? Damn homophobes. "Get out of our school. We can't stand being around you."

Instinctively, I couldn't help but take the opportunity to make a joke. It's just how my personality is. "Then sit down, dumbass." They looked confused, and then angry. I guess it didn't make them laugh. I saw the lighter haired boy raise his foot, and I covered my face in case he was trying to kick me. He didn't kick me in the face, but the stomach is equally as bad. I choked, coughing violently before scrambling to sit up (and hopefully stand).

"Come on, Carder! Don't beat him up yet, we have to talk 'sense' into him while he still has them." I guess the light-haired boy's name was Carder. This position was so horrifying, if I were to be laying on the floor in front of them I don't think I'd be able to forgive myself. While lost in thoughts of what I had to do next, I was unfortunately kicked down again. This time my stomach was to the floor, so the kid known as 'Carder' took this as an opportunity to step his muddy shoe on my back. I just washed this hoodie! I glared back at the two offenders, trying to inch away as the dark haired boy crouched down. "If you ever step foot in this school again, we'll make sure you get the memo next time." He growled, and I could tell he hadn't brushed his teeth in a while. disgusting. I squinted, looking equally angry. Too bad I was the prey in this situation. Without thinking, I spat in the older boy's face. He cursed out loud and wiped it away, and I swear I saw his whole face red. Like fuel to a flame.

Without warning, I got kicked in the face. "God damn it--" I brought my hands and arms to my face to protect me from any more kicks. My cheek stung, and I knew this was a bad situation. Once the shoe that was holding me down came off of my back, I dodged the next shoe-to-the-face attack. I didn't know what to do. I was backed up and sitting against the wall with one boy looming over me, and the other grabbing onto my wrists. I screamed, kicking wildly at them- but I didn't do any damage. I had my eyes shut tight, so I didn't know what was happening when I heard a yelp come from the boy above me. Suddenly, the hands were pulled from my wrists, and I heard scrambling. I opened my eyes to see Vincent and Sapnap defending me. I couldn't tell who's voice was whose, but they were all shouting at each other. I felt something hot on my face (no, it wasn't Darryl) and brushed my cheek to find out it was blood. At least it wasn't tears, how embarrassing would that be? 

I looked around the hall, and Wilbur had started recording. I would think it was of the two boys so that they would be punished for laying a finger on me, but maybe Wilbur was just recording to show it on Instagram. He wasn't like that. I couldn't help but feel a sting in my chest. I can't believe that I had no power in this situation, and two of my friends had to come save me. It wasn't long before the two boys were chased off, and the three of them were at my side in an instant. They all shared the same pained, concerned expression. "Zak, are you okay?!" Vincent was practically screaming in my face, and I wore a shocked expression. 

"Y-yeAh-" I could barely hide the brokenness in my voice and I cleared my throat, blinking rapidly. Wilbur put his hands under my arms to pull me up, and I couldn't help but cringe. I brought a hand to my bleeding cheek, hissing as I looked back in the direction the boys had ran off.

"Come on, let's get you to the infirmary." Vincent mumbled, clearly caring for me. It was sweet, because I don't really get to see this side of him often anymore. 

"We'll go back to the cafeteria and tell them you're okay," Sapnap spoke with a sad tone, patting Wilbur on the back and walking towards the cafeteria. I sure hope they don't tell anyone I got beat up like a little kid. I sighed as Vincent started to direct me back to the nurse's office.


The entire trip to, during, and from the nurse's office only got more painful as time went on. My cheek had a big bandage on it, and I hope that nobody would ask. Who am I kidding? We entered the cafeteria and some kids turned to stare at me. I hated it in here. Vincent directed us both quickly to our chosen table in the back, where around 14 kids were sitting. Everyone from the idot chat and then some. Finn and Maya were there, and then two of Wilbur's friends because he was in a different grade than us. Wilbur was good friends with Tomathy, though, so that's why he chilled with us. A few of them didn't notice our arrival, but Wilbur and Sapnap greeted us as we sat down. I was sandwiched in-between Vincent and Darryl, so now everyone from the table was looking at us. Specifically at the bandage on my face. They started asking questions, to which Vincent, Sapnap, and Wilbur started answering but I could care less about what everyone else was talking about. Darryl and I stared at each other, him with a concerned expression and I just held a blank one. I suddenly had a light blush, feeling a hand brush against my own which was on the bench right now. I guess Darryl was trying to hold my hand, but seemed unsure of his own feelings. I know mine now. I took the initiative and just intertwined a few of our fingers. What kind of hand-hold was this? A pretty sloppy and mellow one, I guess. Who cares, I was touching him and that comforted me so it didn't matter. No one else noticed either. Right then and there, I've decided.

I love Darryl Noveschosch. I'd do anything for him.


Word Count: 1414 words

Hey guys! BBH hit one million subscribers today! Congratulations <3 I didn't have motivation to draw today, so here's a small line-art drawing for him. It's pretty bad, and I don't know how to draw animals that well. Go wish him well! Thanks !

 Go wish him well! Thanks !

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