Chapter 38

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Happy September, everybody! September is national Service Dog Awareness month, so I'm starting a short SkepHalo fanfic to educate or raise attention through all of our favorite ships. It actually is gonna be bbh and skep skep dating instead of weird.. love-murdering shiz, so its good i think o-o. It'll going to be relatively short, and will be completed around the time this fanfiction is complete. Go check it out if you are interested in service dogs or skephalo. you dont have to, obviously, but it's on my profile if you're bored. bye!


I trotted down the stairs, making audible thumps. As I strolled past the kitchen, I looked to the clock on the oven. In neon green, it wrote '7:49'. It was dark out, so you can easily deduce that it was PM. I skipped into the living room, plopping down on the plush white couch. The lights in here were bright, lighting the whole room perfectly. Sam was watching her weird K-Drama show on Netflix, and I couldn't help but cringe. These Asian live-action shows were all the same. Something about a reverse harem, and the girl falls in love with a 'super hot' band member. It was so weird, but I guess some people liked this. I pouted an turned to my sister, who was munching away on popcorn. She barely reacted when I reached over her and snatched the remote. I pressed a single button, watching her face as the show was paused. She gave me a glare, suddenly reaching over to snatch the remote back. I held the remote above my head, giggling and fighting with her. "Zak! Give me the remote back! I want to watch my show!" She whined, and it only made me more determined to not give the remote back. We both struggled on the couch while playing a single game of keep-away. Eventually she got so close to my hand that I tossed the remote to the other side of the room. She gasped as I scrambled, trying to beat her to it.

We pushed each other back as we both tried to be the first to get to the remote. It was a short-lived battle, but in the end I was victorious. "Woooo!" I screamed out in victory, hearing my sister grumble in defeat. I chuckled, turning to the TV to leave Netflix. I went over to the XBox and turned it on, grabbing a controller instead. "Hey Sam, wanna play Minecraft?" I asked, and she turned to stare at me.

"You know I don't play video games."

"Come on!" I was the one whining now, grabbing a second controller as Minecraft booted up on the screen. "Can't you just try it? Please please please?"

Sam sighed and came back to the couch, sitting down, and her hand was held out for a controller. "Fine, but you have to teach me."


I haven't gotten to spend time with my wonderful sister at all for a while now. We are close siblings, but not really close. We fight a lot, but in the end, we enjoy each other's company. It was a long evening of getting Sam into Minecraft and understanding the controls. She didn't even know how to look around, and it was kind of frustrating at times. I felt like she was purposely falling into lava and dying. It was fun, though. We ended it by PVPing, which I obviously won. The good thing is that she said she would play it again. I went up to my room and went to bed after that, not caring to eat dinner or anything. Some nights, I felt normal. Others I felt uncertain, and as for the rest? Plain psychotic. I was stressed. This was really nice. I hope she and I will be good siblings forever.


Thursday, November 19th. For once, I woke up to the blaring noise of my alarm rather than the rising sun. No, there was no sun out right now. It was 2 in the morning, so I had gotten roughly around 4 hours of sleep. I yawned out of exhaustion as I turned off the alarm, using the light from my phone to guide myself downstairs. I slipped on my shoes that waited for me at the door. Rocco ran up to me, wagging his tail. He probably thought I was taking him out for a walk. "No, Rocco. I'm still in my pajamas." I gave him pets on his little furry head. Well, I could take him outside for a little. I pat my thigh as I walked out the back door. I immediately regretted my decision as little Rocco trudged out on all fours. Today was a very special day. I was going to dig a grave. I had no plans other than to go out to the same forest that took me two hours to go to on foot, and then spend the morning digging away. I'd have an Uber drop me off somewhere near there, because I don't want to spend all day walking. I heard Rocco finish using the bathroom, jumping through the thin layer of snow that coated the grass. I clicked my tongue, coaxing Rocco over to me. "Rocco! Rocco!" I called in a happy-go-lucky tone, watching as he finally got the hint and came over to me. "Inside." I commanded, and he went through the sliding glass door. I shut it behind him, shivering from standing in the cold air. Poor Finn, I thought sympathetically as I walked to the shed. It was getting redundant to narrate in my head. Hopefully this would be one of the last times. The wooden door squeaked as I pulled it open, exposing a shivering and wide-awake Finn. I fought the grin that formed on my face as I stepped in, planks bending ever so slightly under my weight. I searched with a flashlight, occasionally shining it at Finn threateningly. I took the water glass and crawled into the cleaned cage, taking off the duct tape. I held the straw to his mouth. He seemed to not want to drink out of it, and I got mad, so I crawled out again and set it aside. I continued my search, eventually spotting the shovel-- how had I missed this? It was right by the door. "Zak..." a quiet voice spoke. It was Finn. I ignored him, figuring he'd just try to plead his way out of this. I grasped the shovel firmly, looking around for a rope or something. I sucked in air through my teeth, realizing that I had no rope left. Even so, I searched around in case I had missed any. "Zak, please.. wait.." I ignored him. I took the knife I had used on the poor boy far too many times and twirled it threateningly in my hands. My smile was tainted with malice as I stepped to the door. "Zak I--" I hesitated before stepping out. "I'll do it." I stopped dead in my tracks and turned to look at Finn, with a huge smile on my face, as if I just got the best birthday present.

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