Chapter 16:

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Terrence and Dominic started to hang out tough, it was like they had never stopped talking in the first place. They started back playing ball together, football, baseball and basketball. They were like kids again. Sometimes Terrence wondered if Dominic had so many jobs how he could be so flexible in the things he did. How he had so much time to chill with the boys, and he had to work, when did he sleep? That was not his business, he was simply happy to have his friend back.

They both sat down and started to catch up on life. Terrence telling Dominic of how he had lost the best woman he ever had, and Dominic telling Terrence of how he hardly ever seen his wife. Both of them telling each other how they found new women and they thought they were in love. They both wondered how they could love two women at one time. Either way they both wanted to get their lives back on track. They both parted and went their separate ways for the day because once again Dominic had to work.

Terrence on the other hand had not seen Sasha in a while. He went over and knocked on the door. Luckily only Sasha was home at the time. She was mad at him, but she let him in. she cooked for him and told him all about her friend who had come over to stay. She completely let him in without realizing she never said her name, or who she was, but they both paid it no mind. They ate and went into Sasha's room.

Terrence stayed the night and the next morning he heard a familiar voice talking with Sasha. He thought it was one of the girls he was messing around with, so he got dressed and stayed in the room until he the voices were gone. Once Sasha walked back into her room, she told him he had to go. She walked him out and they kissed at the front door and left.

Sasha made herself some tea and had a seat on the couch. Sat there for a while before she picked up the phone to call Terrence. Once she realized he was not going to answer, she hung up and put her head down. She balled up on the couch. She wanted a little more from him then to be his secret. She knew that it was not possible, but she did not care. Right now, all she wanted was for him to be around even though he had just left.

As soon as Tonya came back from visiting her mom at the hospital, she joined Sasha in the living room. They both sat there and talked until the sun went down. They both said their good nights and went to bed. Sasha laid there, open like a book. Vulnerable and unread. She felt very disrespected, but this was nobody's fault but her own. She was sleeping with a married man. She was in love with a man she could not have. She was lost. What was she going to do? No one wants to fall in love with a man like Terrence. She did not want to be in love with Terrence, but you can't help who you love right?

She wondered if she was the only woman, he was with besides his wife. Here she was buying him things and giving him money, but this was this first time she had ever had a thought that he was cheating on her and his wife. At first, she felt bad being the side chick to her. Not knowing her was another reason she stayed in the house. She would hate that she could possibly know who Sasha was, and Sasha did not know her. She was sad that one day, if that was the case, and she did know Sasha; she might walk up to her and have a lot to say.

Sasha shook out of those thoughts. She could not remember the last time she feared something so stupid. She started to feel sick to her stomach and stood up. She had never felt this way before. She was literally sick to her stomach about the situation she was in. She got up and ran to her bathroom. She began throwing up. There she sat right on the floor in front of the toilet. Elbows on the rim and her hand in her head crying. This was not what she wanted. She picked up her phone and started to call Terrence. Then she put the phone down and shook her head. She was the side chick and she could not think of herself as anything more at the moment. She picked up her phone and started to text Terrence, knowing he would answer.

Sasha: best friend are you awake?

Terrence: yep what up?

Sasha: nothing much I'm not feeling too well, and we need to talk.

Terrence: what's wrong, and you know I feel like we should talk to. I need to try and get along with my wife.

Sasha: glad you feel that way... because I was thinking the same love her right?

Terrence: yes.... but I love you to!

Terrence: wow that was crazy.

Sasha: you...what?

Being the first time, she had ever heard those words her heart started to pound, so hard that it felt as if her heart was about to leave her chest. She paused before sending her next text. They had been together for months and not one time did she think he would be the once to say it first. Her mind was going all over the place. She decided not to text him back. She decided not even to call him. She got herself together and brushed her teeth and cleaned her face and walked into the kitchen where Tonya was sitting there at the table looking worried.

"What's wrong honey" said Sasha as if nothing was on her mind as well.

"my mother is dying" she said breaking down.

"oh my gosh" Sasha said covering her mouth and stomach at the same time.

They both begin to cry. Sasha did not know Tonya's mother, but she felt Tonya's pain. Nothing was worst then losing a parent and Tonya was unlucky enough to be there to see her suffer. All she could do was walk over and give her a hug. Tonya's mother was not gone yet but she felt that a hug was very much needed. She made them some tea but neither one of them really wanted it anymore.

Sasha started to think about how she could help Tonya find her brother for her mother. But then she remembered that she had heard Tanya say her mother always knew where he was, she just would not tell Tonya. Sasha called a private investigator and told him what she wanted to do. In three days, she would have what she needed. And she hoped that her friend's mother would be around when she got the call to be wherever it was that she had to meet her best friends' brother.

She took a deep breath and got ready for bed. She felt nauseous again so took something for it and went to bed without eating. She had not notice that she very tired in the beginning and once again she paid it no mind. As soon as she closed her eyes and got comfortable, she jumped up out of her sleep and ran to the bathroom again. She felt terrible. She was throwing up all the time now, and the only thing she could think of was how she hated that she in love with a married man.

She was so stressed with helping her friend and dealing with Terrence. She had forgotten that she needed to take care of herself. How could she have been so careless? She decided to chill at home until she could find out everything she needed to know when the investigator called.

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