Chapter 12: I Can Sing Better Than the Band

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The car ride goes unexpectedly fast. Jared keeps singing obnoxiously loud to songs while Jess keeps trying to change them. It seems that he knows the lyrics to every song out there because no matter what she switches it to, he keeps singing. She makes frustrated noises, but I think she has a hint of a smile. While Luka just shakes his head seemingly used to them.

"Becky and Ray are meeting us there," Luka tells me and I nod in agreement. When we arrive, the house looks like another part of college housing. We approach the backdoor and a guy directs us to the basement cellar giving us a signal to head down. I can already hear the music pumping when we are halfway down the stairs.

Landing on the final step, I size up the place. The basement is dimly lit with lights dangling from the ceiling. It is a wide room with various couches facing the band that is located in the center. There is a decent crowd of roughly thirty 20-year olds and a single guy handing out some beers from a cooler. I find the music flowing in the air pretty good. The three vintage-looking band members, a female guitar player, and a male drummer and singer are playing some classic rock songs like Led Zeppelin and Aerosmith. We spot Becky and Ray near the front who wave us down. They managed to snag a couch and are lounged across it. When we walk over, they notice us approaching and sit up making space for us.

"Hey, guys! Some idiots were trying to sit next to us, so we had to lay on it to stop them," Ray quips, amusement in her eyes.

"Nice" Luka says giving them both a fist pump and we all squeeze onto the tiny coffee-colored couch. Unsurprisingly, the couch isn't that big to fit us all. Jess sits on the armrest and I see Jared trying to get her to sit on his lap as she keeps shoving his arm away.

"Anyone want a beer?" Becky inquiries. Everyone but Ray and I immediately nod their heads. I hesitate to accept because I don't have much experience drinking. I have rarely tried any alcohol since Sebastien doesn't drink due to his dad and Jamie mainly drinks when she parties.

"I'm good, thank you," I tell Becky. It's probably wise not to experiment with my new friends right off the bat.

After Becky and Jess come back with their beer bottles, we all just sit and unwind, chatting and listening to the music. It has a nice atmosphere here, definitely better than a frat party. Most of the people aren't wasted and everyone seems to be contently enjoying the music like us. After a while, I notice Jess moved over and is sitting on Jared's lap and I raise my eyebrows a little but take no heed to it. Meanwhile, Jared is going on about he could sing better than the band, but everyone mutually ignores his claims. I try to stifle my smile, but I find him entirely amusing.

I make a suggestion. "What if we went to a karaoke bar?" I say directly to Jared.

He lights up and his grin turns mischievous. "Yes, we are doing that, everyone! Emma you are amazing and queen of good ideas!"

I flush a little from his attention and Luka leans over.

"Now, why did you have put that idea in his head. We will never hear the end of it," Luka jokes. I smile but I bet he'll probably end up singing too if we go. A few songs later, Jared begins muttering he's hungry.

"Agreed," Lukas chimes with him.

"Alright, want to grab some food and drinks?" Jess asks to appease them. Everyone nods mutually.

"How about the downtown bar club," Jared suggests. Jess turns sharply to him her eyes averting over at Ray.

"I meant the diner," Jared fixes himself instantly at Jess's glare. I assume he changed his answer because half of us aren't twenty-one yet and wouldn't even get in on a Saturday night.

We head out, stopping into a nearby diner within walking distance. Almost immediately, we all order an excessive amount of appetizers and small dishes to share. By the time it hits 1am, I helped demolish my fair share of mozzarella sticks and cheese quesadillas.

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