Chapter 38: Did That Happen?

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The car ride back home from Victor's house is brimming with tension. Sebastien grips the steering wheel relentlessly the entire trip. I stare out the window unable to find the right words and remain silent knowing he just needs to process everything. We pull up in his driveway and I pull out my bag. He silently follows around to my side but then stops and leans against his car his posture defeated.

He exhales deeply in the air. "I'm sorry Emma that you had to see that. I am not mad at you right now."

I turn to stare at him. "Don't be sorry. I am the one who made you go. It's my fault," I say guiltily standing across from him as the wind ruffles my hair.

"No, it's not. I don't blame you. You didn't give me shitty parents," his voice harsh. He looks back at me his expression softening. He leans closer to push a strand of hair that keeps blowing in my face behind my ear and I get a slight shiver, from the cold most likely. "You had good intentions and I love that you look for the best in people," he says sincerely.

"I am very sorry that happened," I tell him.

"Hey, it's okay. You got to stop worrying about me. I am fine, always will be," he replies.

I shake my head and he pulls me into a hug and I hug him tightly back not wanting to let go. His warmth envelops me.

"Really. You worry way too much. I can handle it alright? I have been doing it my whole life," he mumbles against my head.

"It's not fair. Why does life have to be so unkind to the best people?" I say pulling away but still staying close to his warmth.

He pauses to look at me trying to read my expression.

"Life is just filled with inconveniences," his blue eyes on me. "There's always something we have that makes our darkness a little brighter."

I tilt my head up. "You're being so positive," I tell him mustering up a smile. "I like it. I am normally the one that's attempting to be optimistic."

He brushes his thumb against my cheek. "I just don't like to see you upset." I close my eyes at his touch leaning into it subconsciously. I feel his hand catch that same piece of my hair flying about and he twirls it. I open my eyes staring at him and his eyes are on my hair. I realize I am very close to him as I can breathe in his sandalwood soap and see every inch of his perfect face. My eyes roam his sharp jawline to his full lips. His eyelashes have always been unfairly long accentuating his eyes that are symmetrical to his face. As always I am entranced by his stupid good looks.

I bite my lip hard from saying something foolish and that catches his attention his eyes immediately drifting to my lips. My insides burn hot from the heat of his gaze. His blue orbs are dark as I am pretty sure mine at the moment. I am clearly losing my mind.

His eyes slowly trail up and our eyes meet like magnets. I'm completely glued to my spot, a tornado couldn't tear my gaze away. He swiftly drops his hand like he is going to retreat but I completely lose any sense and catch his hand with mine not letting him back away. He looks down and I open my mouth to say, I don't even know what I plan to say, but then he stops me by bending down his lips meeting mine. His lips brush against me and that's all it takes for me to feel a fire rushing through my veins. I'm beyond shocked at the softness and taste of spearmint. I gasp in surprise and he rears back from the noise.

I touch my fingers to my lips not believing if that just happened. My whole body is tingling unsure if I am actually alive or if this is some crazy twilight zone. Blinking rapidly my mind can't form a coherent thought.

He looks horrified. "I am sorry Emma. I don't know why I did that." He shakes his head like he is trying to erase it. He takes a huge step away. "That was... Damnit, I should go," he says whipping his head again. "Are you," he clears his throat, "Are you alright?" He asks again hesitantly. I think I make myself nod and at that he spins off into his house.

I stare at his retreating frame still trying to process what just happened. When I feel a gust of wind I shiver. It shakes me somewhat out of it and I dazedly head into my house.


I can't sleep. I literally have been staring at my ceiling for hours. All I can think is what the hell was that? I rack my brain trying to figure out why he did that. Was it from all the emotions of his father? In a trance, I stay up and do homework until my body finally wins and I pass out in exhaustion.

The next morning, I am up oddly early. I basically slept for a few hours before my mind went back on overdrive. I pour myself a bowl of cereal switching on the tv to watch a show, but I cannot hear the words coming out of their mouths. All I can keep thinking is did Bash actually kiss me or was that an illusion. There are 500 hundred other things I should be thinking about but I cannot focus on anything other than my best friend kissing me.

I can't do this, my mind is losing its sanity. I need to find out. I force myself to get dressed and then walk over to his house. I knock on the door and Jamie opens it. Not at all expecting to see her, my hand freezes in midair in the fist shape.

"Jamie?" I ask bewildered tilting my head to the side.

"Emma!" She responds and ducks under my raised arm.

"Um wait, what are you doing?" I ask perplexed.

"Shhh," she says pushing her finger to her lips and zooms past me.

"What?" I say stunned turning and watching her go.

"I'll tell you later, okay. Got to go, bye!" She says waving as she sprints to her car. I blink at her realizing I am definitely in a twilight zone. I rub my eyes.

When I look back up Bash is now leaning in the doorway. He appears as nonchalant as ever in a white tee and black joggers, his face smooth and at ease.

"Hey, Emma," he crosses his fit arms across his chest, his hair sexily tousled.

"Um, hi," I squeak out now even more frazzled. Not only did Jamie just mess up my train of thoughts, but Sebastien looks very good, too good, and does not show a single trace of awkwardness from last night.

"So I am pretty sure Jamie and Matt just had a one-night stand," he utters.

My mouth drops. "What!"

"Yep, and she just ran out on him. Don't know what that was about," he mutters staring past me, but then shrugs.

I turn back to where her car was seconds ago. My mind blurring. Jamie and Matt? What about Jeremy? I turn back to Bash who still looks as normal as ever. I breathe in and then let it out. I don't know what to do now. He could be pretending it didn't happen because it was a huge mistake or I am really going crazy and making the whole thing up. I feel sick.

"Are you good, Emma?" He asks taking a step towards me.

"Yep" I chirp. "I got some homework to do, I'll talk to you later!" I turn and go back to my house more confused and light-headed than when I left. The lack of sleep is hitting me and I fall back into my bed to take a nap to recover myself.

*author's note*
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