Chapter 5: Dancing

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"Alrighty!" Luka says and grabs my hand to pull me through the rustling crowd. He does it so fast I don't have time to second guess my decision. He pushes right through not even muttering sorry to those he tramples, dragging me along behind him. I try to apologize after him to the people I think he pushed, but I miss most of them from heavily squinting at the strobing lights. We stop right in the center where some couples are grinding on top of each other and other groups are wildly waving their hands through the air. He pulls me toward an attractive group dancing in a semi-circle. They are right up against the DJ whose speakers are blasting, vibrating the floor beneath my shoes.

"Everyone say hi to Emma," Luka half shouts to them. At his voice, three girls and a brawny guy turn to focus their attention towards me, increasing my discomfort.

The tall girl with glowing umber skin and glossy jet-black hair smiles widely. "I'm Jess! That's Ray and Becky," she points to the two brunette girls. "And that's Jared." They all give me a wave and smoothly transition back to dancing.

I smile cautiously and wave back. Luka starts moving to the music and I remain still, anxious at the idea of dancing with random people. Without warning, the girl Jess grabs my hand and twirls me. I stumble in the spin and twist back to face her. I gawk at her forwardness and she innocently smiles in return.

"Come on we don't judge, I promise. Look at Jared. He kinda dances like a chump, but if he is having fun who cares." She throws her hands up and starts moving her hips to the song. I bite my lip laughing and try to settle my heart rate. They don't seem to mind that they don't know me at all. I take a stab at swaying a little bit while moving my head to the beat. As I move along, the deep bass in the current EDM song starts pumping at a much faster pace. Jared starts jumping and then Jess, Becky, and Ray start jumping too shouting and cheering into the air. Those surrounding us start joining in with them.

Luka nudges me with his elbow his eyebrow raised in challenge. Their enthusiasm is getting to me so I nod my head and I group into the madness. I can't help myself and laugh feeling the rhythm thrum through me. The song switches to a rap song I know from Sebastien and all of the crowd starts singing along. The energy in the air starts completely infecting me and I gather with them spinning and singing to the beat.

Luka pauses and taps his watch, "So, it's been a little over five minutes are you going to stay?" he taunts.

"Yeah, I am," I reply a little out of breath but genuinely smiling.

"Woohoo!" He cheers and I giggle at his corniness. We continue to dance and I start to grow more safe and relaxed with the five of them. Without warning, my butt starts vibrating and I realize it's my phone. I glance down and find a text from Jamie.

I am so sorry. The president of the sorority was talking to me. She invited me to a sister's meet and greet next week! Where u at? (Jamie)

Bash also called me back three times, but I guess I never heard it over the music. I check the time and an hour has passed since I joined Luka and his friends. I stop dancing and start typing my thumbs flying across my screen.

I am near the speakers on the dance floor.

She replies immediately. Come outside! We are playing beer pong. (Jamie)

I almost prefer to stay, but I reply Ok, I am coming.

I look at Luka and Jess who are already curiously glancing in my direction.

"Um, so that was a lot of fun! Thank you very much for inviting me to tag along. That was just my friend who texted me," I say gripping my phone. "So I have to go meet up with her now." I smile close-lipped.

Jess pulls me in for a hug and I freeze but attempt to awkwardly pat her on the back.

"So nice meeting you, hope to see you again soon," she says to me sweetly. I nod and look over to Luka who gives me a mock sad face. I mouth a sorry and offer a wave before turning away. I slowly push my way back through the masses of sweaty people hoping I can manage to find Jamie this time.

*author's note*
We are going to finally meet Bash next chapter!! Thank you for continuing it's going to get fun soon ;)

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