Chapter 20: Out of Your League

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Without warning, Luka flashes into my vision with a wide smile and snatches my hand.

"Oh, no. Not you too," I protest knowing what he is about to do.

"Oh come on. It's symbolic of our first time meeting." I groan but let him guide me back out onto the dance floor. He starts telling me about the Jess and Jared melodrama and how Jared has been in a very happy mood these past few days. While he explains, I try to follow his steps but it seems we both are dreadful at dancing. I giggle as we both stumble stepping on each other's feet.

"So any guys catch your eye?" he asks me changing topics.

"Honestly, not really."

"Really? There are a ton of eligible bachelors out here tonight." He points around to the masses of people around us.

"I know, but I am not feeling any of them," I say looking back over where Sebastien and Britt just disappeared to. "What about you? Any girls you want to sweep off their feet?"

He laughs loudly. "Frankly, sorority girls aren't my type."


"My type is hopefully going to be a super brainy doctor or surgeon," he says with a smug look.

"Oh, really? You want to get with someone competing for the same job as you?" I taunt.

Proudly he explains, "I want to be an anesthesiologist."

"Ahh I see, so you are fine for shooting above your league then," I tease him back.

"Hey! A surgeon is totally within my league. And yes I am perfectly confident in my masculinity to date a girl who makes more money than me. I wouldn't mind being spoiled." I chuckle and Luka grins back at me. We continue to dance a little bit clumsily before the song changes and we head back over to the group. I talk with Jess who tells me that she told Jared how he felt.

"He told me he never lost his feelings and he wants to win me over."

I hug her excitedly. "That's great news, Jess!" I say super happy.

"Yeah, I am going to give him a shot and see what happens," she says blushing and I smile in return. I watch out of the corner of my eye as a pretty girl asks Lukas to dance and he agrees. They start dancing sillily and I feel happy for him hoping he doesn't limit himself to just brainy surgeons.

Jamie comes over with Jeremy on her side and Ray takes a picture of just me and her together.

"This is Jeremy," Jamie says introducing him to everyone. I observe the way he looks at her as she blabs to Becky and Ray about something excitedly. He appears completely enchanted, hanging onto her every word. I hope she feels the same way and doesn't hurt his feelings. Having a great time, I almost forget that I am here with Zeke when he resurfaces.

"Hey Emma, want a drink?" he asks me appearing buzzed himself.

Feeling tired I respond, "Thank you Zeke, but I actually am going to go home for the night. I'm really tired. Thanks for inviting me, have a good rest of your night." I give him an awkward hug and turn away. I travel back to say goodbye to whoever I see and catch an Uber back to my dorm. It takes extra long to remove every accessory and last trace of makeup, but I finally collapse in my bed.

****author's note*This was a super short chapter, sorry! But thank you so much for your support!! Send me a vote if you enjoyed the formal 💗

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*author's note*
This was a super short chapter, sorry! But thank you so much for your support!! Send me a vote if you enjoyed the formal 💗

Who would you rather dance with... Sebastien or Luka???

P.S. I picked out some dresses that I think matched what they wore in the formal and put in the next chapter ;)

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