Chapter 22-" Welcome to Seattle"

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After many weeks of horseback riding me and Dina finally got to Seattle as we got there I immediately looted a trailer and found an old tourist map we headed further into Seattle until we got to the gate

-" Tresspassers killed on sight.......Is this the QZ?" Dina asked
-" Yeah this is it" I answered

We looked around to see if we can get through but unfortunately we had to seperate I immediately found codes to the gates scattered around the QZ then I found the generator and used it to open the main gate as the gates opened Dina together with our horses came in just in time when the gate crashes down causing a loud noise

-" let's get out of here that crash was pretty loud" Dina said

I quickly got on to my horse and so as Dina and we quickly rode off

-" So what did you find back there?" Dina asked
-" Few codes for the gates then a note saying there's a WLF base in this some called Serevena base " I answered
-" Serevena " Dina uttered

As we jumped off a barbwired fence I quickly noticed a building

-" Oh shit look" I said pointing at tge building that say's Serevena hotel on top
-" Guess that's where the base is" Dina said

I quickly got off the horse and went to the generator I made it start but it won't budge

-" The generator's outta gas" I said
-" Now how'd we gonna get pass this uhmm FUCK FEDRA GATE" She said making me smile
-" Very creative" I commented
-" Yeah" she responds
-" Oh shit!" I said
-" What?" Dina asked
-" The note also says that there is gas at the courthouse garage and the dome" I said

We immediately rode back to our horses and we went to the open world of Seattle

-" So where are we exactly?" I asked getting the map put then showing it to Dina
-" lemme see" she said moving her horse close to me
-" Pretty sure we're here" she said pointing our location at the map
-" Cool thanks I'll mark it up as we go" I said
-" Ok" Dina replied

We roamed the open world of Seattle until Dina notices a bank

-" Hey Ellie it's a bank" she said pointing at the sign
-" Do you wanna check it out?" I asked
-" Your call" she answered

I got off the horse and went inside Dina followed from behind we explored the outside ruins then went inside as we got inside I saw clickers and runners

-" Hey there are three clickers and two runners do you wanna bail on this?" I asked Dina
-" Your call" she answered

As I am curious about what I'm gonna get in the bank we fought off the infected luckily we cleared it all we went inside and saw bodies and skeletons to which it seemed to be robbers then something caught my attention a shotgun I quickly got it then looked until I found a combinations for the vault then I went ahead and opened it as we searched the vault I found a ring that says SIC PARVIS MAGNA on it it seems to be antique I immediately hid it to my flanels pocket using a crumpled paper we decided to leave the bank when we came upon infected again but we cleared it all as we got out I asked Dina what she'll do in all tjose money if it's a pre apocalyptic world.

-" Hey if it's a pre apocalyptic world what would you do with all those money?" I asked
-" Buy a farmhouse" she answered
-" But you can get a farmhouse now" I said
-" What about you?" She asked
-" Buy a space shuttle" I immediately answered
-" Oh right your astronaut thing" she said
-" Hey it more expensive than a farmhouse" I said
-" Ok" she replied then we rode off
-" So what're we gonna do in the farmhouse raise sheeps or milk cows?" I asked
-" Are you making fun of me?" She asked
-" No.......It's actually kinda nice" I said
-" Really?!" She asked
-" Yeah" I said

We rode the outskirta of Seattle once more until Dina found a Dome like structure

-" Hey Ellie I think I found the Dome" she said
-" Where?" I asked
-" That building look it has a dome on top of it" She answered pointing at the dome
-" Let's check it out" I said

We walked in and checked

-" Ration Distribution center" Dina said reading the sign
-" In boston we'd line up in blocks.....the food doesn't even taste that nice" I said

As we travelled the outside of the Dome we found a locked gate I pushed it and told Dina to squezze through then she helped me get in as we got in Dina found 2 runners so we quickly crouched down at the tall grass and stealth killed the two runners we then moved on to the pther side pf the fence and found more infected but we are able to kill them all as we cleared them I saw a scaffolding that leads to the inside of the dome so I quickly went in while Dina followed me

-" Hey Ellie this place is a synagouge " she said upon entering
-" How can you tell?" I asked
-" One there are memorah decorations on the wall it's a jewish thing and second I didn't burst into flames just now" she said
-" Burst into flames?" I asked
-" It's just a dumb joke" she said
-" Oh unlike your other ones" I said  sarcasticly
-" You shut it" she replied

As I explore the building I found a door leading to the gas tank so I quickly went tk it and grab the pile of boxes that is filed on a wheelie to get across it as I went inside I found a gas cannister and checked it but it didn't have has I checked the gas can also but it has no gas

-" Fuck no gas" I said
-" Hey language house of worship here" she said
-" Hey no gas" I said out loud
-" That sucks what do we do now?" She asked
-" let's try our luck at the courthouse garage" I answered
-" Ok" she replied

Dina opened up the gate which leads outside the center of the building and I quickly got the cart pf boxes out and aligned it to the scaffolding that leads to the second floor of the building as I got there I found a rope and swung my wau on to the other floor then Dina followed me as I got there I found a calendar that seems to be odd

-" 5774......Are we in the future?" I asked
-" No doofus that's a hebrew calendar" Dina answered
-" Ok" I replied

We got out of the building then went back to our horses we once again explored the outskirts of Seattle until I found a music shop

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