Chapter 24-" Serevena hotel"

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-" Hmmm no welcoming committee" Dina said
-" Maybe they're just waiting" I said

We rode off and looked for a way in the hotel when suddenly an infevted jumped over the fence

-" look an infected just jumped over the fence" Dina said
-" Atleast we know where to go in" I said
-" Isn't wierd we should've heard gunshots by now" She replied
-" Yeah" I said

We went in to the hotel and killed all the infected

-" Ellie all these bodies are freshly killed" Dina said inspecting the bodies
-" I know let's just keep looking" I said

We raided the building we went to different rooms then suddenly we found a room with a person sitting up but dead

-" Jeez what happened here?" I asked
-" There's another one over her" Dina said

I looked at the two dead bodies then I noticed that this is familiar

-" They are being used against each other" I said
-" What?" Dina asked
-" Joel told me about this.....You asked this guy a question" I started pointing at thhe dead body on the floor
-" But you don't make him say it you make him write it down" I added
-" Then you ask this guy" I said pointing at the guy who's sitting
-" And if the facts match they're telling the truth.....and if not" I said not wanting to finish what I've said
-" You fuck them up" Dina said finishing my sentence
-" Yeah" I replied
-" Atleast we got a code" I added
-" Hey we cam go through here" Dina said leading the way
-" Ok" I said following her

We walked back to the horses and went to the gate this time Dina puts on the code while I powered up the generator

-" Question where does this take us?" Dina asked
-" I don't know but let's just search" I answered
-" I think we should set up camp" Dina suggested
-" Yeah sure" I answered
-" Something high up so we can scope out the area" Dina added
-" Sure" I said
-" I still have does almond pieces left if you're hungry" Dina said
-" I'm fine" I answered
-" You should eat something.......Oh my god" She said making me stop at my tracks
-" What?" I asked
-" I sounded like my mom just now" she answered
-" I'm fine trust me" I said

We jumped over a barbwired fence then it exploded causingme and Dina to fell down from the horses then I saw Dina fell from the side and nowhere to be seen I tried calling put her name but there's no response I looked over to our horses then the man shot them letting them die I crawled towards my rifle but as spon as I got to my gun and pointed it at him he immediately got a grip at my gun and hitted me in my face causing me to get out of conciousness. I woke up to a man petting my cheek as I look up he has a scar on his face

-" Hmm...why do you seem so familiar?" The guy with a scar asked
-" Why don't you ask the guy who has a bitch scar across his face" I said
-" Hmm really funny" He said holding my chin up to let me face him
-" Who are you?" He asked once again
-" Fuck you" I answered

He pointed me my switchblade and was about to kill me when suddenly the man who killed our horses came in

-" Jordan what're you doing here you're supposed to go out looking for the other one?" The guy asked
-" Mike look at her does she seems familiar to you?" Jordan asked
-" You're right she kinda looks like Anna" Mike said

Hearing my mothers name made me wanna cry but anger enters in

-" let me go" I said but no one listened
-" Yeah you're right let's bring her to Isaac let's figure our what she wants" Jordan said
-" Well I just got a radio from Isaac.....and he orders to kill all tresspassers" Mike said

Jordan pulled Mike's gun down they argued for a minute then I saw someone on the roof it's Dina ......suddenly the window broke because of the shot Dina blow to kill Mike. Jordan got shocked but was able to shoot back at Dina who fell because the glass she's standing at broke also causing her to fall down the ground hard. Jordan looked at Mike and at Dina who's recovering from the fall then he looked at me

-" You shouldn't have come here" He said

Jordan quickly grabbed Dina and started choking her I immediately looked for something I could use to get out then I found a piece of glass and immediately grabbed it and immediately cut the rope as the rope is cut I immediately grabbedy my switchblade and ran towards Jordan and as I stabbed his throat he immediately died after he fell down I immediately looted him and found a picture of a woman and a note I quickly read the note

-" Is there a TV station at that map?" I asked Dina
-" I don't fucking know come on Ellie" Dina answered

I quickly grabbed mu bag and my rifle then the two WLF went in we faught ofd all the enemy and eventually got out in one piece we went in to another building to take a small break and create a new plan as we got a building to stay for a while then I showed Dina the picture and the note I got from Jordan

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