Chapter 41 -" Welcome back"

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It's night timeand me and Joel are beginning to go near the gates of once I called home. Jackson. As we walk ourselves close to the gates new faces immediately pointed their guns at us

-" Whoa easy son" Joel said
-" Hands up" The boy whose younger than me said
-" Ok.....Ellie do as the boy says" Joel said
-" Ellie?" The boy questions
-" Yeah?" I said in confused state
-" I'm Joel this is Ellie......Tommy and Maria knows us" Joel said
-" Maria ordered us that when we came upon people whose names are like yoursnwe should take them in......but we need to be sure if you're truly the persons Maria tells us about" Another boy said holding a rope and tieing it on both me and  Joels hands
-" It's ok can you just take us to Tommy and Maria so we can finally sort this out?" Joel said

The boy pointing the gun at us signalled the both of us to walk over then signalled another boy to lead the way to Tommy and Marias house. The boy infront quickly knocked at the door upon reaching the house a few seconds later Maria opened the door upon opening the door she was surprised seeing me and Joel. He ordered the two boys to take off the ropes and get back to their places. After they left Maria let us both go in the house and as we entered I saw Tommy sitting in the living room got startled upon seeing us

-" Goddamn....I knew you two are still alive" Tommy said giving both me and Joel a hug
-" Ellie what happened to your hand?" Maria asked and grabbed my hand as I didn't get the chance to hide it
-" It's nothing" I answered
-" We'll leave you two be....I'll just talk to Joel" Tommy said

After Tommy and Joel left me and Maria sat down at the living room

-" Was it all worth it?" Maria asked looking at my two missing fingers
-" I wouldn't say otherwise" I said
-" Did you kill her?" Maria asked again

As Maria asked that I became silent for a few minutes before I could answer

-" Maria I was about to then I saw the boy then I suddenly saw my mom then I just I couldn't do it......I was drowning her then I saw my mom it really felt so real it's like my mom is really there" I said
-" Ellie you did the right thing.......maybe that's why you saw your mother she wants you not to do it so you wouldn't end up like Abby" Maria said
-" I know Maria....I thought about it many times now and I finally understand" I said
-" This just proves that you still have hummanity in found forgiveness" Maria said
-" How's John?" I asked
-" After he heard the news that you left he wouldn't help but blame himself for your decision to leave.....everday he always come by here and say sorry" Maria said
-" I wouldn't blame John for what happened Maria....It's all my fault....I decided this" I said
-" Ellie....I'm just glad you and Joel are back" Maria said
-" Yeah" I replied

Silence took over amd I'm dying to ask Maria about Dina but how I don't even know How to ask her. I looked over at Maria and I could tell she already know what I am thinking then she spoke breaking the silence

-" Ellie I know you wanted to ask.......don't worry Dina and Thony are fine.....they're leaving with Jesse" Maria said
-" Oh........That's uhmmm that's great" I said
-" But......" Maria said but didn't know if she'll continue her sentence or not
-" But?" I asked
-" Dina and Jesse are back together for 2 months now" She said

After Maria said that my heart broke into pieces I was hurt. I guess Dina moved on maybe it's for the best atleast what's imoortant to me is to see her happy with her family now

-" That's nice" I said
-" Ellie" Maria said
-" Maria I am fine......I just I want to rest" I said
-" Sure......sure you should rest you and Joel should rest in our house for the night" Maria said

I wanted to ask Maria more about Dina but I urged myself not to. After a few seconds of silence Joel and Tommy went in

-" How about you two stay here for the night?" Maria asked
-" What do you say kiddo?" Joel asked
-" Sure" I answered
-" Good there are two spare bedrooms upstairs you could go and sleep there" Maria said

Before we got up Tommy gave me a hug so as Maria then we went into our rooms trying to rest I could tell the three are already sleeping but not me. I thought about what Maria said about Dina. I thought about what my life would've been if I just stayed and at the thought of that I fell asleep

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