The Storm

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"Are you sure you'll be fine going home with this storm? You can stay no need to be alone with the storm" Magnus said in a motherly over protective way. Lillian just smiled at him, "yes I will be fine Mags, don't worry about me besides I have Aiden." She reassured with a knowing smile. He sighed but nodded and kissed Alec's cheek "at least let me walk you to your car he said making it clear she had no choice she smiled at him fine, common." she said Alec cleared his throat "um a shirt might be useful" he said Magnus looked down to see he was shirtless he waved Alec off "I'll be fine" he said waving him off Lillian saw the possessive look in his eyes though, it was clear to everyone but Magnus that he didn't want anyone to see him. Lillian bit back her smile as Alec stomped over to Magnus taking off his hoodie and shoved it over his boyfriends head "that is for me to see, not the world" he complained. "You don't care about Lillian" Magnus pointed out Alec looked at him "she was here before me, I'm not going to tell you to not do something when she is so special to you. Plus I trust her" he said "now, go before the storm starts" he said Magnus just nodded but the conversation was clearly not over.

The rain was making it hard to see and the thunder was making her worried and the flashes of lightning made her nervous. She finally got into her apartment and turned on the lights when they turned off "Aiden this isn't funny!" She exclaimed there was a thump she went to turn on the light but it didn't turn on she turned the light switch on and off, nothing happened. "Aiden two thumps if this is you once if it wasn't" she said there was only one thump. Lillian groaned "Great!" she exclaimed and turned on her flashlight and maneuvered to her lighter and candles she lit some and put them around the house. Magnus called her "hey is the power out at your house too?" he asked "yeah, at first I thought it was Aiden" she replied "You got candles and your solar charger right" Magnus asked "yes , no need to worry about me, I'll be fine" she reassured he sighed "Magnus everything will be fine, no need to stress out too much" Alec reassured Magnus sighed "alright, I'm sorry. I'll let you go but if you need to talk my phone is on at any time of the night." he said "Ok, goodnight Mags love you, night Alec" Lillian said "love you too" Magnus said while Alec said "night" she hung up and sighed, looking around her apartment she went to the counter and sat, her phone on the counter lightning flashed and thunder boomed. 

Lillian made some tea with some bottled water and placing the cup above some candles to heat it up. As she let the water heat up she went to the window and looked out on the city, the only lights that were on was the hospital and the cars that dared to drive in this whether. she felt a cold breeze on her hand she looked down at it; not in fear or confusion, just looked at it. Aiden was reassuring her, reminding her that she wasn't alone and that he was here for her. She simply looked back out the window with a small smile on her face.      

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