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Lillian and Aiden had been sitting on the couch, Aiden on his phone being bored while Lillian snuggled into him with her book. Aiden looked at the beautiful girl he got to call his. He watched as a strand of hair fell into her face as she flipped a page.

"I finally figured out what made me human" Aiden said, looking back at everything that had happened and finally knowing the true meaning behind everything. Lillian looked up at him from her book, the strand of hair in her face her expression confused and curious. Eyes bright with happiness she had finally found. "What was it?" she asked "feelings." Aiden said "when I first gained strength it wasn't because of the Ouaji board. It was because I viewed you as a friend, feeling friendship. When you first saw me I had just realized I like you as more than a friend or a roommate. And when you stormed into the house I realized I loved you, that I would do anything to take away your pain" he said. Then he held onto her hand tighter. 

AidenWhere stories live. Discover now