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Translations at the bottom

Lillian smiled after she woke up because she was surrounded by the two people that make her happiest "morning kitten" Aiden said "morning Aiden" she whispered and carefully got up not wanting to disturb the two sleeping figures but when she moved Magnus' eyes shot open she looked at him "go back to sleep Mags you're safe" she reassured his looked around then shifted over so he could cuddle with Alec and went back to sleep.

She entered the kitchen to see a floating coffee cup "take it" Aiden said she carefully took it and took a sip, the coffee once again tasted good. Lillian checked the clock on the stove and sighed setting down her coffee cup she got out some ingredients for omelets.

Half was through cooking the first egg Magnus wandered into the kitchen and silently started helping her cook. "You two are good at that, how do you know exactly what the other person wants and do it all in sync without speaking to each other?" Aiden asked the two looked at each other "honestly I'm not sure, maybe because we've been doing it for so long or because we just know what the other needs without saying anything" Magnus said Lillian shrugged then nodded it was as good a guess as any. When they finished making the food Lillian opened her mouth to speak "on it" Magnus said knowing she was going to ask him to wake Alec up. ""See you two are creepy! Why did I have to bond with freaks, in a good way! It's like you have telepathy" Aiden rambled "I agree, it's creepy t first but you get used to it eventually" a tired Alec said. Alec unlike his boyfriend and friend could not go without sleep without being miserable which is why his meal came with an extra strong cup of coffee and a coffee in a to go cup for when they left.

Sadly for poor Aiden the time of their departure was soon after breakfast.

As Lillian and Magnus were waling they got stopped by their English professor who they had a connection with. "Where were you guys yesterday?" she asked "Lillian got hurt so we had to fit everything" Magnus said Professor Tucker glanced down at his barely visible bruises on his fist, most of the damage was from his rings because he punched the guy with his ringed hand. "yes, I see you dealt with it" she said "anyways, if you want extra credit to make up for absence yesterday come see me after class" she concluded then left the two to get to their first class of the day. They agreed that they would go and make it up. 

Luckily classes went by quickly and without any troubles, until English. "You will be working on a project in groups of four that I chose" Professor Tucker said Lillian and Magnus tensed clearly not happy about the situation. The list of the names was projected Lillian, Magnus , and Alec were stuck with Jake Simonson. None of them were happy at all. Tucker could feel the glares of her students. Class ended and the two slowly made their way to the professor "ah good you're here! I want you two to tutor Jake here" she said and pointed to Jake Simonson, one of their main tormentors and the person who is obsessed with Lillian and wants her to be his trophy girlfriend. They hate him but gritted their teeth and decided to deal with it "yes Mrs." they said in sync "great! See you Friday!" she said happily and they walked away.

"so freak, do you want to leave the two of us alone and we can study together" Jake said putting his arm around Lillian she moved away from him and hid herself in Magnus' arms, he held her close to him as they walked "over my dead body, we will be studying together and you will not be touching her" Magnus said angrily Jake scoffed but left it alone, for now. "So where are we going to do the project?" Alec asked "we can do it at my house" Lillian said "yeah!" Jake said while the other two boys objected immediately "absolutely not!" Magnus said "Saya memiliki sistem keamanan terbaik, ditambah kami memiliki Aiden" Lillian said Magnus sighed in defeat "fine" he said Alec looked at him in disbelief but trusted his boyfriends judgment.

When they got into the lobby of Lillian's building she saw her landlord "non lasciare mai che quwst'uomo salga nel mio appartamento a meno che io oi miei amici non to dicano il contrario" Lillian told him he looked at Jake and nodded "of course"  he said "thank you" she said and they went up to the apartment using the key so there was no chance he could see the passcode. The elevator opened revealing her home to the outsider "yay you guys are back! It took you long enough!" Aiden exclaimed, it was hard for them not to say something back "hello why are you ignoring me, who is that?!" he said and yelled the last part, once again he go t no answer "let's get this over with" Alec grumbled being his usual grumpy hateful self that he was around anybody except Magnus and Lillian "whoa what happened to you?" Aiden asked not knowing that Alec was so grumpy. "oh don't be such an asshole we got plenty of time right baby?" Jake said winking at Lillian and put his arm around her "who the fuck is that, is he your boyfriend? I do not approve!" Aiden said clearly jealous, not that Lillian noticed. When he wouldn't let her get away Magnus grabbed his arm, twisted it, and shoved him into a wall. "If I ever see you touch her again without her permission I. Will. Kill. You." Magnus growled twisting the boys arm back farther with every word "Magnus calm down!" Alec said pulling him away "whoa who are you people and what have you done with the people I know! But the guy deserves it, why is he in your apartment? Why are you not answering? Can you not hear me anymore?" Aiden bombarded them with questions the lights started flickering Aiden was freaking out. "fine, fine, fine!" Jake yelled "let's get this over wit before I kill him" Magnus said Lillian nodded and got her laptop. the lights started to flicker once again "guys please any sign you can still hear me!" Aiden begged "did you hear that?" Magnus and Lillian asked at the same time "yeah, I thought it was just me" Alec said "what are you guys talking about?" Jake asked there was a bang "you guys are assholes! I thought you couldn't hear me!" Aiden yelled at them "what was that?" Jake asked "what was what?" Lillian and Magnus asked "that bang" he said there was another bang Jake jumped "oh, that's normal" Lillian said and went back to work a plan hatching in her mind "Saya tahu tampilan itu, apa yang Anda rencanakan?" Magnus asked "what are you guys talking about?" Aiden asked Lillian whispered her plan in Magnus' ear and he grinned "what are you guys talking about Jake asked "oh nothing you need to worry about." Magnus said.


Indonesian: Saya memilki sistem keamanan terbaik, ditambah kami memiliki Aiden English: I have the best security system, plus we have Aiden

Italian: non lasciare mai che quwst'uomo salga nel mio appartamento a meno che io oi miei amici non to dicano il contrario                                                                                                        English: never let this man up to my apartment unless I or my friends tell you otherwise

Indonesian: Saya tahu tamplian itu, apa yang Anda rencanakan?                                                   English: I know that look, what are you planning?  

AidenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora