Chapter 6) Meet The Croods

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*Your P.O.V*

"Ta-da." Guy laughs, showing off tome

I sigh, tired of Grug already.

Grug pushes me aside and shows Guy his threat display.

"Auughhauhhhgggh!" Grug calls out to scare Guy.

Suddenly, Guy and me are circled by my family. They are in defensive ape-like positions. Each doing their threat display.

They let out battle cries.





Guy stands in front of me defensively.

"Cavies!" Guy oddly yells.

"Cavies?" I say confused.

"Cavemen! Stand back! They're practically animals. See their bony, sloping foreheads?" Guy says looking in almost fear.

"Oh... yeah!" Eep says looking at me feeling slightly ashamed.

"The huge primitive teeth?" Guy mentions.

"Er... yeah..." Eep says feeling embarrassed.

"The excessive body hair? Oh, that one's got a tail..." Guy points out.

"Uhhh... yeah..." Eep sighs.

Guy pulls his knife. "Close your eyes. I'm going to have to take their lives." Guy instructs us, pushing me behind him protectively even more then before.

Eep slashes knife away. "No. It won't help. They're my family." Responds embarrassed.

"What?" Guy asks concerned.

"Technically not mine, I'm adopted." I tell him with a pained smile.

Guy looks over army sympathetically putting a hand on my shoulder.

Eep nods toward Thunk.

"Ah, the sun is in his hands!" Thunk shouts.

The rest of The Croods keep circling.

"No. No. It's 'fire.'" Eep laughs, I join in.

"Where did it come from?" Ugga asks me.

"He made it." I say proudly.

Grug grabs him and squeezes him tight.

"Make some for me!" Grug demands.

"It doesn't come out of him." Eep laughs while I must look very panicked.

"Make. Make it." Grug shakes him.

POP! Guy's ribs are cracked for the second time.

"You know, you're a lot like your daughter." Guy says in relation to Eep, making feel a little annoyed that he's talking about her. Guy falls in a heap.

"Great, now he's broken." Eep whines.

"Stop hurting him!" I yell at them.

"Oh, it's a baby sun." Ugga says in adoration.

Grug turns to see Ugga, Thunk, Eep,  Gran and Sandy are now sitting very close around the fire, transfixed.

"Whoa! Stay back. We don't know what it wants." Grug warns them.

As Grug moves around the circle, picking up sitting Croods and placing them a safe distance from the fire, he talks to them like a kindergarten teacher:

"Now we'll all sit here, and wait for the sun to come back. And tomorrow we'll find a new cave, and pretend today never happened." Grug smiles."Isn't this fun, Eep? Y/n?" Grug asks us.

Grug looks around to see that Y/n is kneeling beside Guy.

"Y/n, don't touch him. Goodness knows where he's been." Grug yells to me but gets distracted by the rest of the family.

For the next little bit me and Guy just look at each other,blushing, trying to figure out how to start our converstaion. Who knew we are both so awkward! I guess I'll try to do this.

"Hi." I start.

"So lion cub, your Dad, he's trying to kill me." Guy asks me.

"Adoptive, but yeah. I won't let him though, so don't worry." I respond with an awkard smile as Eep approaches us after ranging Sandy a but.

The three of us witness the fiery mayhem.

"Hold on son, come back!" Grug shouts.

"I don't like you anymore!" Thunk yells as he runs by, on fire. Grudges throwing rocks at him to try to put it out.

Sandy, who is still in Grug's arms, but facing backwards, is now holding onto a burning stick and lighting everything she passes on fire. "Weeeee!!!!" Sandy calls out.

Gran, who is still trying to put out her stick, is batting it into every tree and bush she can hit. "Get out! Out!"

Ugga carries a redwood above her head and then tosses it onto the small fire. "Eat up, babies!" Ugga ignites a massive bonfire.

The Croods appear like a bunch of violent, lunatic pyromaniacs.

Gran is pounding her walking stick on the ground. She is standing on the edge of a giant corn field that is slowly catching on fire. "Die! Die!" POOF! The fire on her cane has finally gone out. "I win!" Gran yells. She smiles. And then WA-POP! The giant ear of corn explodes blasting Gran off frame who slams into Thunk. The speeding ear picks up Ugga, Grug.

"They're not so scary once you get to know them." I say as Eep nods in agreement.

Me and Guy are hit by the speeding corn.

"Who are you people?" Guy asks in fear.

"Oh, I'm sorry. We're the Croooooods! And you are?" Ugga asks politely.

"Uh, Guy." He nervously answers.

"Hi, Guy." The rest of my family says waving as I face palm.

(802 words)

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