Chapter 8) Traps and Stories

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*Your P.O.V*

Guy lays a snare in the low grass. He walks to the base of a rotund, spikey tree, unwinding more rope as he goes. He ties the rope around the base of the tree. Then he hands the loose end to me. Belt stretches his arms wide. Guy stops jumping and points up to the top of the tree. I take the cue. I leap up and grabs the leaning top of the tree. My weight gently bends the tree top down to the ground. Eep is standing a little back behind us, leaning on a rock next to Ugga watching just incase something goes wrong and I need her help.

"Okay." Guy says as he looks up at me with a smile.

Guy carefully sets up something.

"What do you call this?" I ask looking at him in wonder.

"A trap." Guy responds shortly.

"What does it do?" I ask trying to get more out of him.

Guy makes sound effects to get his point across as he describes the trap. "Raargh, Thump thump thump, thubububububub soft whistle poom! Tadaaaaaa!" He sounds out to me making hand motions.

"How long have you been alone?" Eep asks as she walks over to us from leaning on a rock besides Ugga.

Belt opens his arms wide showing Guy has been alone a long, long time making me chuckle/giggle lightly.

"... So what do we do?" I ask him leaning closer to him.

Guy pulls out a weird miniature turkey fish puppet.

"How's your acting?" Guy asks me smuggly.

We look over to see the turkey fish getting ready to eat the trip-gerbils. The Turkey lifts the creature to his mouth to devour it, but he's interupted by Guy making a whistling sound. He turns to see the silly little puppet dancing about. The Turkey Fish drops his meal and cautiously approaches the puppet. Me and Guy are working the puppet. I'm having the time of my life.

"Oh, you're good at this." Guy says smirking at me.

We are so into what we're are doing, we accidentally get tangled up.

"Oh, sorry, I..." Guy says to me getting a little flustered.

"J-Just move your a-arm... n-no, your o-other arm. Oh, t-that one's m-mine." I stutter with a deep blush coving my face and the tips of my ears once again.

In tour struggle to untangle ourselves, me and Guy inadvertently insult the Turkey Fish. It charges. Me and Guy don't notice. The Turkey Fish misses the snare, leaps the rock and snatches the fake bird off of Guy's head, thrashing it.

"Uh... It didn't step in your trap-y, thing." Eep points out from behind us.

"Yeah, I noticed." Guy responds sarcastically.

I boldly stand in front of the bird. The Turkey Fish grabs Guy and tosses him high across the open field. He goes flying through the air, screaming making me mad.

Grug hears the commotion. Guy lands back in the log.

"Where's Y/n?" I hear Grug ask Guy but I tune him out.

I'm in full parkour as I runs from the Turkeyfish.

"Their awesome." I hear Guy say as I assume he's looking at me, which somehow makes my blushing face even more red.

Grug steps forward. He's going to spring the trap.

"Y/n!" Grug shouts to me in fear.

"Grug, no!" I yell out seeing him about to step in the trap.

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