Chapter five

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"I can't believe it's over, all we did was what we always do." Michael fell backward into the air bed.

Agatha joined him, " I find it to be a good thing."

"Agreed it's better to OH MY GOD HOW COULD YOU USE THAT ON ME MUDON?!" Sam lifted her controller above mudon's head, she almost made contact but mudon dodged just in time.

"It's Mario kart, I don't make the rules princess."mudon laughed and his grin only widen at sam's embarrassment for him using such a nickname in front of their friends. She put down her controller and tackled him onto the sofa.

"Hey hey hey wait until we leave, then you two can have at it."

Sam blushed. Mudon bolted from under Sam and chucked a pillow at Mitch. "You're just jealous."

Mitch. threw the pillow back at him. " I have you know I've matched with eight women on this dating app."

Michael popped his head up, " eight?"

"Let me guess all in a minimum distance of thirty miles," Agatha said as she pushed Michael back down so she could get comfortable and lay on his chest.

Mitch made a face Agatha didn't need to look at him to know she was right.

"Nobody asked you Sargent strawberry shortcake."

Not another second went by before another pillow was shot at Mitch. He caught and laughed at his small victory. Michael reached up and pulled Agatha back on him. " he's messing sweetheart your haircut is nice, we're twins, isn't that a plus?"

"I didn't mind it until you put it like that, sounds like incest ."

Michael made a face, again Agatha didn't need to look to know she had pulled another.

Sam saw Michael's face and laughed, it made sense to her . " but I agree with Michael those buzz cuts look good on you two."

Moments passes before the gang heard a knock at the door of their hideout.

Shock and curiosity washed over the crew, everyone who knew about their underground hangout was all present. Even if someone did come across it no one would suspect a massive boulder had rooming inside of it.

The stranger knocked.

No one moved.

Another knock was followed by a handful more.

Mudon stood up first . " we can't just sit here I don't think they are leaving anytime soon," He whispered. Sam stood up and took position behind mudon. She was shaking.

Michael moved from under Agatha and stood up. He too had Agatha stand behind him.

Mitch gulped. " I'm the closest so I'll do it.

"WHAT YOU CRAZY BRO?" Michael did his best to keep his voice at a whisper but was failing.

"SHHHH ." Agatha urged. She reached behind her and grabbed a broom and tossed it at Mitch. "Use that to open the door."

He caught it and nodded. Cautiously he held the bottom of the broom with both hands and with the tip carefully unhooked the chain and the bolt. The suspense made it difficult to breathe for them. The crew braced themselves as Mitch unlocked the last lock. The door cracked open. Moments passed but nothing happened. Just before relief settled amongst them the door flew open slamming hard against the wall. Screams filled the single room. Mudon and Michael instinctively turned and shielded their women. Mitch fell to the ground with hands over his head.

It was the wind. The wind had caused the door to fly open with such force. In the doorway stood not a soul.

Michael looked over his shoulder and scanned the doorway before letting Agatha go. " What the hell was that?"

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