Chapter six

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*Earlier *

"Why does he always have to be this way." Sam sniffed. She took a seat on the sofa and buried her face in her hands.
Agatha walked over from the air mattress and took a seat next to her. " you're a crybaby you know that right?"
"And you're a bitch."
Sam raised her head and looked at Agatha. She smirked. Agatha returned it with an even bigger grin. She put an arm around sam's shoulders and leaned in close."Takes one to know one girl."
They laughed a bit before they allowed the silence settle.
"I never got to apologize , around the time of the anniversary. I said something harsh."
Sam bit her lip and leaned back . Her eyes focusing on the unevenness of the ceiling. " it's fine it's about time I stop playing pity party. My parents death isn't any of you guys fault." Sams face remained poker as more tears began to flow. " it's just it gets difficult sometimes you know . The never ending wonder of what they were like and what's worse.." sam couldn't hold back . Her brows furrowed and the corners of her mouth allowed gravity to play its role. " I don't even think what happened to them actually happened."

Agatha couldn't exactly sympathize with Sam. She hated her parents. She didn't want to know more of them if anything she wanted to forget them.Her mom left her when she entered high school to escape her abusive husband.To Agatha this was the same as leaving her for dead. That's how she thought of her mother,dead.
Agatha furrowed her brows. " What do you mean there is proof ,an investigation. Evidence. As tragic it made be your parents death was indeed a homicide."
Sam shook her head. " and I'm not denying that's just that something is telling me there is something missing."
Agatha hugged sam and rocked her as she cried.
" Honey even if the hunch or whatever you're feeling is telling you that ,we can't go and figure it ourselves. Our starting point would be spirit forest." She pulled her back so that she could stare directly into sam's eyes. "That forests is strictly prohibited,do you want to go to jail?"
Sam was silent for a moment,she let her gaze fall to the floor. " No."
Agatha pulled her close , kissed her forehead and laid her head on her shoulder.
"But if it means knowing the truth.."
Sam's words was so soft and easily tangled in Agatha's sweater, she barely heard it ;nonetheless it was as she said it loud and proud. She heard her.
Neither of them spoke. Nothing Agatha could say would convince sam otherwise . She resemble mudon's persona. Her straightforward nature, no wonder they were so compatible.

Suddenly they heard something hard hit the ground. They jumped and held each other. Moments went by . Silence.
"What do you think that was ?"
Agatha shrugged , "I'm not sure."
Still nothing was heard. Relief settled in but only for a moment . The door flew open and in came mudon rushing to sam's side. She stood and allowed mudon to lift her off her feet to carry over to the bed.
Agatha stood to her feet and put her hands on her hips. " thanks Agatha, are you okay too? Oh I'm fine mudon , thanks."
Sam laughed, " she is right mu ."
Mudon turned towards Agatha and made a face before turning back around.
Agatha rolled her eyes. " Where are the other two."
"They are out front."
Agatha walked over towards the door but stopped before opening it. She heard Michael talking . She could hear the panic in his voice.

" What do you mean? Was he dead? A spear through is heart? You think it was her?"
"Bro I don't know but I know what I saw , maybe it's a spirit ?"
" a spirit? You mean from the story? I know you've been doing some digging and I said to tell me if you found something? Did you?
"I did but if I tell you , you have to swear you won't go into the forest."
" I can't do that."

Agatha never heard Mitch raise his voice at his brother before. She felt uneasy just listening to them.
'Spear?' 'A spirit? What could these two be discussing?'she wondered.

"Ok fine I promise I won't go only IF I find there is other options."
Mitch sighed, " Whatever."
" one more thing... don't tell the others ."
"I know."
Agatha felt was suspicious but she wasn't sure if she should investigate. She wanted to believe whatever they was discussing was some kind of prank but in the back of her mind she knew it was far from. She moved away from the door when she heard footsteps drawing near and pretended to do something with her clothes. Finally the boys came in.
" hey hun you okay?" Michael asked as he walked over to her .
"Yeah I'm just wiping sam's snot from my sweater.-Ummff", was the sound Agatha made due to the sudden impact of a pillow to her face.
Michael tried not to let out a laugh but he couldn't help it . " she got you goo-ackk ." Michael grunted from the blow Agatha delivered.
"FOR MY BROTHER!" Mitch called as he dunked on Agatha with a pillow. All three of them went crashing to the floor.

"PILLOW FIGHT !" Mudon called as he rushed over with a pillow in hand and Sam close behind.

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