Chapter 7

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❝Fear is not real

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Fear is not real. It is a product of thoughts you create. Do not misunderstand me. Danger is real. But fear is a choice

- Will Smith, After Earth

Amelia = Bold Italic, Finnick = Normal, Katniss = Italic, Peeta = Bold, Johanna = Light, Beetee = Light Bold, Wiress = Light Italic

Amelia's POV

"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock with a new threat every hour, but they stay only within their wedge. It all starts with lightning. Then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours." Katniss began to explain as the seven of us walking into the cornucopia.

"At ten, that big wave hits from over there." Katniss continued. "Wiress you're a genius." Finnick said walking past the woman. "Look, the tail points to twelve." Peeta said. "That's where the lightning strikes at noon and midnight." I signed from beside him.

"Strikes where?" Beetee asked. "That big tree." I signed pointing to it. I picked up one of the large swords and handed it to Peeta as he began breaking down the clock. "So, twelve to one, lightning. Then one to two is blood. Then fog. And then monkeys." Peeta said drawing the clock. "Ten to eleven is the wave. Did you guys see anything else?" Katniss asked Johanna and Beetee.

"Nothing but blood." Johanna said. "It doesn't matter." Peeta said and I nodded agreeing. "Peeta's right as long as we steer clear of whichever sector is active, we'll be safe." Katniss said. Under his breath, Finnick mumbled something causing me to casually elbow him in the gut not being seen by anyone.

A career grabbed Wiress causing a gasp. Katniss was quick to shoot an arrow into his heart causing him to fall backward. A girl came at Katniss but Johanna through her axe into her chest. As a huge man came towards me and Peeta, Finnick ran out fighting him with his trident. I saw a woman and quickly threw a dagger that skimmed her head as she ducked for cover. As the Cornucopia began to spin, we were thrown and had to hold on.

I tried to hold on, but I couldn't, and I get thrown into the water. Constantly tumbling underwater and struggling to breathe is not what I had in mind for today. Just as I'm about to push off the ground I get hit in the head with something heavy and everything goes dark.

Finnick's POV

I watched as Peeta and Beetee dodged the sharp weapons that fell at them. Finally, the spinning stopped and Peeta, Beetee, and I ran to the other side upon hearing Katniss coughing. "Let's just get what we need and her off the bloody island." Johanna spat as Peeta helped Katniss up. I looked around for Lia and I couldn't find her. "Guys, I can't see Lia." We all started to look around and I finally saw her on her back on the beach not moving like she'd been washed up. I run over to her and see a big cut on her head and that she isn't breathing.

I do CPR until she starts breathing again but she doesn't wake up, so I carry her until the rest come over and we go to find somewhere to sit for a few minutes. They grabbed any weapons that were left and headed back to the shore of the island where we were.

"So, besides Brutus and Enobaria, Who's left?" Katniss asked as we were under a tree right in the outskirts of the jungle. "Maybe Chaff. Just those three." Peeta said. "I'm gonna go get some water." Katniss said picking up the spile and walking into the jungle. "They know they're outnumbered. I doubt they'll attack again. Where safe here on the beach" I said leaning against the tree with a sigh knowing I upset Amelia.

"So, what do we do? We hunt 'em down?" Johanna questioned. A few moments later the screams began. "Finnick! Finnick please!" Amelia's voice rang through my ears. I look to where she should have been on the sand and she wasn't there "Amelia." I breathe out before I begin to panic. "Amelia!" I yelled before chasing her voice not even realizing she walked the other way.

Amelia's POV

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Amelia's POV

I woke up with a bit of a headache and decided to go for a bit of a walk. I, hearing Finn scream went running back to where they were. Katniss began hearing the screams of Prim, so she ran the same way as Finnick. I caught up to Peeta looking very confused. I give him a look that asks, "What happened?" as I signed to Jo running beside Peeta.

"They-you screamed for help. Then Katniss' sister screamed but it didn't make sense. She's back home." Peeta said slowing in need of catching his breath. "Jabber Jay's. They project sound." I signed to Jo in realization before running towards where Katniss and Finnick were. I went to run to them but seemed to run into an invisible barrier.

Finnick had tears in his eyes as the birds attacked him and Katniss. I banged as hard as I could on the barrier trying to get his attention. Finnick fell to the floor coverings his ears with his hands. Finnick's eyes stayed squeezed shut as tears fought to leave his eyes. I looked over at Peeta who was doing the same thing she was but to Katniss. It was an hour before the birds finally left.

I never stopped pounding on the wall until it finally broke. Before Finnick's head hit the ground, I caught it and wrapped my arms around it. I just repetitively kissed his head and stroking his hair as he was shaking. "T-the jabber jays they repeated sound. You-you screamed for me. You yelled for me to save you. I couldn't save you." Finnick said his hands still shaking. I hold his face in my hands making him meet my eyes signing to him that

"I'm okay. I'm right here." He just looked up at me "When you were screaming for me to save you. I wasn't there." Finnick said his glossy eyes staring into mine. "It's not your fault." I signed resting my head against his in a loving way. "I love you." I whispered as he finally stopped shaking and he looked at me in surprise but didn't say anything. He just sat there resting his head on my shoulder.

I continued to hold onto Finnick. "Are you sure you're okay?" I signed to him for the third time. "Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine." Finnick said but I didn't believe him for a second. I didn't listen to anything until I heard Johanna yell loudly. "Hey, how does that sound, Snow? What if we... what if we set your backyard on fire? You know, you can't put everybody in here." Johanna yelled and we all stared at her. "What? They can't hurt me. There's no one left that I love." Johanna said with a sigh. "I'll get you some water." She said looking at Katniss who had glossy eyes.

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