Sometimes I Feel. . .

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Sometimes I feel,

Like friends aren't really friends. . .

They're sweet and they're cool.

Until I share how I feel.


Someone is in distress,

And my emotions are suppressed.

I give and I give,

But get the bare minimum in return.

Physical protection is great,

But what about my inner turmoil?

Sometimes the ones holding us back,

Are ourselves. . .

Is it really so hard for them to listen?

I sit,

I sit and I listen,

I sit, I listen and support them.

Yet I can't even get through,

A quarter of my story.

I share a different thought,

And they just pass it off.

Certain things I don't speak of,

Not worth losing a friend over an opinion.

A silly one at that.

I don't think they think the same. . .

They let politics get in the way.

We all know our opinions won't sway,

Yet that's all they speak of,

As if they know everything. . .

It's frustrating!

They don't know it,

But my judgement they attack almost every day.

If I don't show the same hate,

They become irate.

No such thing as,

"Agree to disagree."

What they say is a degree.

Funny how they speak of diversity.

Diversity of sexuality,


And opinion.               

Such hypocrites. . .

I love them!

I really do!

They're not the monsters,

You think of as we speak.

Just don't understand the concept of,

"I'm sorry but I disagree."

They've defended me,

Made me laugh,

In a time where I didn't think I could.


I just wonder. . .

Will this friendship really last?

It doesn't feel fair.

They're all together,

It's just what they want.

All the attention,

Standing in the spotlight,

They don't care to share.

Meanwhile, I'm in the shadows. . .

Just waiting for the time to make them smile,

The time for me to laugh.

The time for me,

To actually feel carefree.

Sometimes I feel. . .

This one got pretty deep, haha. Before I get into my thoughts of this poem, let me know yours. If there are parts you relate too or agree with or even disagree with. While you're at it don't forget to vote ;)

Ok so this poem is kinda what lead me to writing the Memory Lane one. It gave me a bittersweet feeling, hence how the poem was made. I wrote this because even though I'm a "Social Butterfly." Sometimes I just feel left out or not important. It feels like almost every time I go to share something happy, annoying or sad. Someone has something to say thats even bigger and it comes out of nowhere. Like on groupchats. No one texts for a while. I share something and then they finally chose its the right time to let it all out. A bit selfish of me I know. I get it when they genuinely have something bigger, but it just seems like everything they say is more important. I

 can't even have a conversation without it being 90% jokes. I enjoy talking and sharing my thoughts, its fun to laugh, I even laugh at the jokes about me. I know they say it out of love. But it gets frustrating because thats what keeps interrupting me. They can be my biggest supporters, but sometimes I don't want to be near them. At least not in a group. When it's one on one I can actually talk, have a proper conversation. While in a group I'm just laughing. Each opportunity I use to share something gets taken away.

Don't worry I'm fine :) No one needs to be killed (I'm talking to you Nasiim XD)

I'm happy with this poem. Its real and raw. To me it has a flow. I like being able to share about myself to you guys. These are the poems I'm proud of. These are the ones where I hope to inspire you or just reach out to you in any way I can. Ok I'm done with my speech now. 

Love you all <3<3<3

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