What We Want

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It's so easy to be lazy.

So hard to just get off the phone,

And do what we want.


Why do we wait for motivation to strike?

We complain we never get what we want,

But never do what needs to be done,

In order to get what we want.

We never get much done,

Because we want to wait for that wave.

I'm all bark and no bite.

I say I'll do something and even think I will,

But it's never done.

Don't speak your plans,

Act them.

Don't wait for inspiration,

For as soon as it comes,

It will leave. . .

You just have to start,

Don't stop,

Oh, you have thoughts of quitting?


I promise you,

The end result will leave a smile,

A beautiful smile on your gorgeous face.

You know why?

Because you grabbed motivation and inspiration,

And you forced them to stay.

They didn't stay because you asked nicely,

Or intimidated them.

You proved why they should stay.

You showed you wanted it.

You went for it,

Regardless of if they came with you or not.

When you want something,


And it'll be yours.

Simple as that.

Don't make it anything more,

You're not doing yourself or anyone else favors


Don't look at anyone else,

But yourself!

Be that someone YOU want to look at!

Just stop being lazy!

Ask yourself this. . .

Do you REALLy want it,

If you don't want to get it?

Stop with the excuses covered up as jokes,

Stop the "reasons" in your head

Stop the self depreciation

Put that energy elsewhere.

Where you're putting it right now,

Isn't going to take you anywhere.

Put that ENERGY in what you want.

Then it's yours!

I didn't say it was easy to get,

It requires you getting out of your head,

And into your zone.

You think it sounds easy,

But wouldn't want to put it into action.

You will cry, blood sweat and tears.

When you do,

That's how you know you want it.

That's how you know you almost have it.

That's how you know the top of the climb is near.

Once you reach the top


You didn't cry those tears,

Sweat that sweat,

And bleed that blood,

All to just fall back down. . .

Keep it going,

Never look back.

Unless it's to take pride in each choice.

You can get everything you want,

Just stop being lazy.

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