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What is failure?

No one likes it,

The word brings a bitter taste.

Failure isn't you being stupid,

Too slow to understand.

Failure isn't work,

That's incorrect.

Failure is the-



In yourself and in your

Life it makes you

Unable to move

fowaRd, only

ablE to walk back

Failure isn't a set back,

That we let push us down.

Failure is giving up,

Before you reach the end,

The end of your goal.

Failure isn't the task,

We "got wrong,"

Failure is

How we react when things go wrong.

Failure isn't an action,

It's a reaction we need to stop.

When life pushes us back,

In hopes to bring us two steps forward,

We let a word hold us back. . .

We let it weigh us down.

We let it act as a leash,

Holding us away from success.

In reality,

It's only ourselves and our critical judgement,

That acts as a barrier.

A barrier where we can't move forward,

Only five steps back.

We sit and watch other people's success. . .

Well I have news for you,

They've been stumped before,

Thousand times galore.

Every successful person,

Has been pushed down from every angle,

At every second.

They had times where they cried,

They cried and they screamed,

Wondering why life was so cruel.

But they got back up and pushed forward.

Now they live with no regrets.

Because they didn't give up,

They didn't stay down.

They wiped their tears,

Washed their aching throat,

With the one thing it craved.


They didn't back down,

So nor should you.

Get past your failure,

And live your life.

Only then will you be able to breathe,

To take in that fresh air,

And smile at,


This poem is dedicated to @virgopoetress Who is so incredibly sweet and her comments make my day. I hope you all enjoyed the poem!

I am pretty proud of this poem. The title is actually the title of one of my favorite songs. Which is called Failure by Neffex. Their songs just always motivate me and get me in that pumped up mood. They inspire me and hopefully if you check them out, they inspire you too. Anyways I don't think I have to explain the poem, I'd like to think I got the point across XD

This is my 75th poem! Only fifteen more and this book will be finished! I can't believe that. I started this book three months ago, so I'll be a little sad to let it go. But I'll make another poetry book :)

Love all you sweet potats~! <3<3<3

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