11 - Virgin, No More.

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It had been two weeks since I saw Daniel in person. The four days I spent with him were amazing. It was the best time I had ever had with him. I looked forward to going to Vegas the next weekend, but some work came up in Huston, and I wasn't able to go.

It was Friday again, and I landed in Vegas around sunset. I texted Daniel, telling him that I've left the airport and will be at his place soon. A few minutes later, he replied, 'The door is open. Come right in. ;)' I knew it right then that he was up to something sinister. Thinking about it made me nervous. I had agreed to go all the way, but I still had my reservations.

I was standing in front of his apartment door, but I was scared to go in. I wasn't actually scared, just dreaded the main event. I wiped the sweat off my forehead and took a deep breath. I opened the door and walked in.

"Daniel?" I called out.

"In here." The voice came from his bedroom. I walked towards his room and opened the door. What I saw took my breath away.

The room looked like a honeymoon suite. It was spick and span. Dim yellow light from the side lamps illuminated the room with wooden flooring and white walls. Candles were lit all over the place and filled the room with the sweet scent of Lavender. The bed was all white and on top of it laid Daniel. He was wearing black boxers and a black full-length silk robe, which was undone and showed off his sexy body. He had his head rested on one hand and with the other, rubbed his chest slowly. He looked breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Hi," I said.


"Danny, this is amazing."

"Thank you."

"And you look-"

"Hot? Sexy? Slutty?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Beautiful." That one word made him blush. He got off the bed and raised to his height. He slowly and very seductively took off the robe, and it pooled down around his feet. He came closer and pressed our lips together. It was a soft kiss, yet very forceful. He broke it off before it could heat up.

"You stink," he said.

"I know. I was wondering..."

"That maybe we can finally have that shower together?" he asked with a grin.

"More like a bath."

"I can work with that," he said, undoing my tie.

Following that, I stripped in front of him. I did it as slowly and as sexily as possible. A little strip tease never hurt anyone. He took off his boxers and then took me to the bathroom. He prepared a bath for us with bubbles, essential oils, and Epsom salts.

"Can I sit behind you?" he asked.

"Yeah, sure."

He sat in the tub, and I went in after him. I had taken baths with a lot of people, but never had I been the one sitting in front. It was a new feeling, resting my back on his hard front. It felt good. This must be how women feel. It's actually kinda nice. I could also feel his dick poking at my lower back. That was another first.

After we settled in, he started massaging me slowly. First the shoulders, then the pecs, then arms, he was basically touching me everywhere.



"I love you, too."

His words were like music to my ears. I turned around and looked him straight in the eyes. "Really?" I asked. Desperation was dripping from my voice.

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