Damned Unpleasant Children

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The next evening Elena had asked Stefan to come over so she could tell Jenna about vampires and Jeremy about her being adopted. The talk about vampires went fine, if you don't count Jenna not believing her and Jeremy at first and then her freak out at Stefans vampiric face when Elena told him to show her some proof.

Telling Jeremy she was adopted went a lot better than she thought it would. Jeremy had hugged her and promised that she was his sister no matter what and that he loved her. If Elena had cried a little at that the others were kind enough not to say anything.

"So, vampires are real." Jenna muttered for the fifth time. "And one is sitting at my dining table right now."

"You okay, aunt Jenna?" Jeremy asked carefully.

"Yeah, I'll be fine, just need to prosses right now." Jenna nodded. "You can talk about whatever you want and I'll pipe in if I have questions or something."

"I wonder who the man in the road was." Elena wondered after a few minutes.

"I don't know." Stefan said with a shrug. "Do you remember anything else about him?"

"I wish." Elena muttered. "I never saw his face; he was wearing a hoddie. All I can remember was these black boots coming towards me."

"I got you some vervain." Stefan pulled out a wooden box. "I know you already have an armband and that you gave Jeremy a ring and Jenna a necklace but you can also put vervain in food, that way if you ever lose your armband you don't have to worry if you somehow lose it."

"What is vervain?" Jenna asked. "And what do you mean Elena gave me a necklace with it?"

"Vervain is an herb that prevents vampires from compelling you, which is basically a form of mind control." Stefan explained patiently. "And Elena put some vervain in your necklace to keep you safe."

"Thank you." Jenna smiled at Elena.

"You are very welcome." Elena smiled softly, then she turned towards Stefan. "Thank you for all off this."

"I just want you all to be safe." If Stefan was human or full of human blood, he would be blushing but one of the only perks of drinking animal blood was that he seldom had the ability to blush. "There's another vampire in town and until we know who it is and what he wants, we have to be careful."

The doorbell rang and Jeremy offered to go get it so Stefan and Elena could keep explaining to Jenna.

"Hey, that'll be $22." The pizza deliverer said as he pulled out the pizza from the bag.

"Oh, right, just come in and I'll go and get the money from the kitchen." Jeremy told the man as he walked towards the kitchen. He didn't notice the smirk on the mans face or even register that he had said the two words that shouldn't be said 'Come in'.

"Hi," Elena smiled brightly as she came to pay for the pizza. She held out $40 and said, "Keep the change."

"Thanks." The man smiled at her. "And you have yourself a good night."

"I wish you the same." Elena beamed as she closed the door.


The next day Elena and Caroline were walking in the front courtyard of the school while Elena filled Caroline in on everything that had been going on.

"So, wait," Caroline stopped walking and giggled. "You made out with this Bree woman, not once but twice?!"

"Yep." Elena smirked.

"Does that mean I can introduce you as my wife or my lesbian best friend now?" Caroline almost bounced in place.

"I'm not a lesbian though." Elena smiled.

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