Disturbing Behavior part 1

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Elena slowly woke up from a deep sleep feeling a bit confused. Whose chest was she sleeping on? And who was wrapped around her back?

"Rise and shine, sleepy head." Damon's voice sounded from above her head as the chest she was laying on vibrated.

"No, shh, keep sleeping." The person wrapped around her back murmured into her neck.

"Damon? Enzo?" Elena mumbled confused. "What's going on?"

"We got worried when you sent the text last night about staying with Mason and Tyler so you could explain to Carol about the supernatural." Damon told her softly. "So, we decided to come over earlier this morning to see if you were okay."

"When we found you sleeping, we didn't want to wake you so we decided to cuddle you instead." Enzo yawned at the end of his explanation.

"Okey." Elena hummed and relaxed against Damon's chest. "What time is it?"

"Around noon." Damon started to play with her hair.

"Oh." Elena murmured softly. "I should probably get up."

"Nooo." Enzo cuddled closer to her back.

"How about I cook some lunch?" Elena offered with a small laugh.

"Pancakes?" Enzo asked hopefully.

"Pancakes." Elena agreed and Enzo sat up quickly.

"Hurry up, you slow pokes!" Enzo called out as he walked quickly out of the room. "There be pancakes on the menu."

"I guess we should get a move on before he gets too impatient." Damon laughed.

"I'll be right there." Elena smiled. "I just need to go to the bathroom and brush my teeth."

"Shouldn't you wait until after the pancakes to brush your teeth?" Damon asked.

"I feel like a scorpion has built a nest in my mouth; I need to fix that." Elena walked into the bathroom and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes later Elena were mixing the pancake batter in the kitchen while Damon and Enzo were cuddling by the breakfast bar.

"Do you want blood in the batter or no?" Elena smiled at them.

They were frankly adorable and Elena was so very happy for them both. She had never seen Damon so calm and happy as he was with Enzo's arms around him and Enzo looked at Damon like he was the answer to everything.

"Blood." Came the answer from the lovers.

"Blood it is." Elena pulled out a knife and was about to cut her hand when Damon stood in front of her.

"What are you doing?" Damon looked at her.

"Putting blood in the batter." Elena said slowly.

"We thought you meant from a blood bag, gorgeous." Enzo spoke up softly.

"Well, I know that fresh blood tastes better than the blood from blood bags." Elena shrugged. "So, I was just gonna put some of mine in the batter."

"You don't have to injure yourself for us, spitfire." Damon said gently.

"I know." Elena reassured with a smile and cut her hand to pour some of her blood into the pancake batter.

"Here, you silly goose." Damon laughed and bit into his wrist so Elena could heal herself.

"Silly goose? Really, Damon?" Enzo laughed.

"It was the first thing that popped up into my head." Damon pouted, not that he would ever admit it. "Shut up."

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