Bad Memory Moon part 2

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An hour and a half later Damon were driving them towards Duke with Alaric in the passenger seat and Jeremy and Elena in the back.

"You two okay back there?" Damon asked.

"Yeah we're fine." Jeremy smiled.

"Absolutely," Elena hummed. "Can we stop at Black Knight Studio before we go home?"

"Sure, but what is that?" Damon looked at Elena threw the review mirror.

"It's a tattoo parlor." Elena smiled. "I want to get a tattoo on my inner right wrist."

"And I want one on my chest." Jeremy told them. "Jenna already agreed."

"We'll stop there on our way home then." Alaric decided.

"Shouldn't the one driving decide that?" Damon mock pouted.

"Nope." The other three in the car chorused.

"You have been out voted." Jeremy laughed.

"I can't believe John actually gave you his Gilbert ring." Elena said after a while. "But I'm also happy that he did."

"This ring technically belonged to dad." Jeremy murmured softly. "So, it was mine from the start but John took it."

"We all knew he was a bastard." Damon muttered.

"You mean is?" Jeremy asked. "I mean, he's still alive."

"Technically, yes." Damon nodded. "But I like living in my fantasy world where he is dead and being tormented for the rest of eternity."

"I like your version of reality." Jeremy chuckled and Elena nodded in agreement.

"You guys really don't like him, huh?" Alaric asked with a laugh.

"Nope." Elena popped the p when she answered. "Let's do a recap, shall we? He knew I was adopted because he is my biological dad, he was never around when I was a kid, he took dads ring which belonged to Jeremy, he tried to kill my friends and he is a hypocritical ass because while preaching to me about how 'vampire bad, must kill vampire' he was working with my biological mother who is a VAMPIRE!"

"You feeling better?" Jeremy asked Elena after she stopped her mini rant.

"Yes actually, I do feel better." Elena smiled.

"Good, because we're here." Damon said as he turned the car into Duke University's parking lot.

The group of four made their way to the right office as with Alaric leading the way, "So, Isobel was officially employed by the anthropology department given that most paranormal phenomenon is rooted in folklore."

"Do you have to have a degree in anthropology if you want to become an archaeologist?" Elena wondered out loud.

"No idea." Jeremy shrugged.

"Excuse me?" Alaric said to the woman behind the desk at the office. "Hi, my name is Alaric Saltzman, I called earlier."

"Yes, of course." The woman smiled even as she looked strangely at Elena. "I'm Vanessa Monroe, research assistant, comparative folklore. Let me just grab Isobel's keys."

"These are my friends Damon, Elena and Jeremy." Alaric introduced them as Vanessa led them towards Isobel's office.

"Isobel was one of my first professors, I'm a grad student." Vanessa told them as she led them to Isobel's office. "She was brilliant and one of the reasons I went into folklore. I have to ask – has there been any news?"

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