Hello Straw Hats!

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Chapter 7

We wanted to go straight to Arlong but the villagers held us up with stuff like thanking us, asking us to stay for a cup of tea and whatnot. While I didn't mind, our two oldies looked kind of eager for some time to relax so we agree.

We also had to call the Headquarters to allocate a budget for the island, and I gave them a short report of what happened because of a corrupt Marine captain. It's great being Rear Admiral. So much authority that comes with it.

Anyway, by the time we were done with all that, Nami was nowhere to be seen so we just decided to walk towards Arlong Park...again.

We arrived just in time to see Luffy punch the crap out of Arlong. Luffy himself didn't look like he was in great condition...but when in a fight did he ever look fine. It was the Envies Lobby's arc that they Oda really gassed Luffy's power up, not to even mention to ridiculous time skip.

Zoro: Ugh, why do the Marines have to show up now?

He frowned as he raised his swords against us.

Let's not even talk about Sanji, he already had hearts in his eyes and was drooling. Seriously, how did anyone even live with this pervert? Even more, how does he even cook with that cigarette in his mouth. Wouldn't that make the food taste bad?

Diana: We're here to arrest Arlong and his crew for his actions against Cocoyashi village... but looking around it looks like things are already done here. I'm assuming you are bounty hunters?

Luffy: No! We're the str..*slap* umph!

The last part is because Zoro blocked Luffy's mouth. Thank God they took the easy way out. Otherwise it would've been a complicated situation where we would be obligated to fight them as well.

Me: You can cash them in for a total of around 34 million Berries. Arlong is worth 20 million and his 2 goons are each worth around 7 million. You'll have to bring them to the Marine Base to be sure. We're not in charge of that stuff.

Zoro: We know you're Marines but you don't look like a Standard Officer. Who are you?

Diana: Rear Admiral Diana Fujitora

Me: Rear Admiral Kara Fujitora

Ussop: Re...REAR ADMIRAL?!

Zoro looked shocked as well, his hands tightly gripped around his swords.

Zoro: What's a rear admiral doing here in the blues?

I signaled my crew to cuff all the pirates, which they quickly did.

Diana: You can think of it like an inspection.

It was at this point Nami arrived to the scene and was shocked to see the state of the Arlong crew as well as Luffy.

Luffy: NAMI! You are my crew mate, GOT IT?

Here, the canon version of Nami would have cried and nodded. But instead, she paled and looked at us.

Of course, my sister wasn't one to let such an opportunity pass.

Diana: Crew...?

Nami: Shut up you idiot! *smack*

She smacked Luffy on top of his head while Zoro quick covered for him.

Zoro: Bounty hunters! Bounty Hunter! We're a bounty hunter crew!

It was honestly hilarious seeing on of the most badass characters in One Piece starting to sweat like crazy as we aimed our suspicions on him.

Me: Well, that girl over there did explain something to us a bit.

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