Deemed Guilty

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Chapter 11

I told my crew that we aren't going to land once we reach Alabasta and instead continue to fly over the desert. There was an oasis in the town we needed to be anyway. No need to walk all the way over there through the desert. That would be just wasting energy and time.

Me: Sis, how can there be such a massive river yet have a desert right next to it?

Diana: Don't know. I was never an expert of geography and stuff like that. Besides, this is technically an Anime/manga world. Logic doesn't work the way it's supposed to.

Me: I guess.

Sis then turned to Sarah who was still confused as to why we were flying over the country instead of docking it normally...well, we will dock once we reach the other side of the island. But for now, we'll have to just land softly on that small body of water.

Diana: Sarah, please land us in the oasis. We have business with the casino.

Sarah: You're going to gamble?!

Diana: No! uhh... no, the owner of that place is apparently doing something weird. We received suspicious reports of his activities. We're going to see if it's true in a couple of days.

Seriously, sis's way to BSing through life is as good as always.

Anyway, we landed on the oasis which got quite the attention.

If this was the canon version, then it wold've been real messy involving a chase scene with Smoker, the Straw Hat pirates, Ace, and somewhere in the middle of that being caught and locked up by Crocodile. Oh wait, maybe we passed that stage, we're in Rainbase after all.

I've got a much simpler idea. Go up to Crocodile and gather evidence that he's guilty then be done with it.

But, we still need to rest a couple of days. We arrived at Alabasta way too quickly. If we solve all of this now, then by the time Luffy gets here, there would be nothing.

Diana: We're going to be staying here for a couple of days so I suggest looking around here. There's probably not much, being a desert island, but you might see something that's interesting. Be back here by nightfall though. We're sleeping on board.

Besides, our ship had better facilities than most inns/hotels anyway.

Sarah and Doc decided to stay on board while the rest of us decided to explore the town a little. As for me, you could say that I was going to 'scout out' the area a little.

When Tim and John left for whatever they wanted to do, I found myself walking through town with my sister. hehe

After walking around a little, we found the pub that Smoker and Luffy were at in the anime. I could see the scene playing out already; Luffy and Ussop all thirsty then splashing that all over Smoker and Tashigi.

I wish we could see that ourselves, but unfortunately, we would be busy then. Maybe another time.

When we got back on the ship, Tim and John looked suspiciously refreshed, but I refrained from asking. Whatever they did would remain in this town and no more.

Me: Sis, we should call Smoker and tell him about our suspicions on Crocodile.

Diana: He should be here sooner than Luffy. He's coming here directly while the Straw Hats are making a stop and some village. What are you going to tell him though?

Me: Just saying that he's connected to that Bounty Hunter Organization and the Dance Powder should be enough to get Smoker on our side and permission to search him from above.

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