Shifting the Scales of Power

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Chapter 56

First thing we did before docking at Sabaody was getting Spade his face-change again. We changed him a bit more than we had last time. I doubt even Luffy could tell if this really is his brother now. While you could tell some sort of resemblance, it was too vague to say.

We docked on Sabaody Archipelago right next to a Marine Ship just to piss them off. They were about to complain but once they saw who we were they just put their heads down and walked back.

Diana: Hey you!

The Marine who was wearing a Commander's uniform started to sweat heavily as he started walking towards us.

Commander: Admiral Diana...?

Diana: Not really an Admiral anymore, so you don't need to call me that. But more importantly, don't we need to pay for our visa? I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to dock here for free...

Commander: Yes ma'am! I mean... yes. Um... 300 Beri for the week or 100 Beri if you are leaving today.

Me: Sis, we might be here longer than a day. We need to stock up a lot. We depleted a lot of our food supply and all from Mycan.

Diana: *hands over 300 Beri* Here.

Commander: Thank you

The moment he gave us the paper that proved that we paid for our stay, he walked/ran off. Probably to inform his superiors that we were here.

Walking down the Archipelago, people still recognized us. We weren't wearing our signature Admiral Marine Coat but I was still wearing the same old tights (they're new, just the same ones) while Sis was wearing the same black formal wear. Most people avoided us as we walked through the streets while a few tried to follow us from behind.

I saw multiple bounty hunters eyeing us, but there weren't any idiots like from Kizaru's time at Sabaody. There were many, but nobody tried it.

We assigned everyone roles on what to buy so we just split up at the Market District and went our ways to buy everything we needed.

It seems I was right in my assumption that Sakazuki gave the order to not engage us. Wise choice Sakazuki, thanks for making our lives easier.

Me: All the grain, flour, and eggs you have today please.

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