Payments Are Due

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Chapter 64

The first thing we did when we got back was inform our crew and the Prime Minister of what happened at Punk Hazard except what we did with Law. That was going to be kept secret for a long time...or forever.

We prepared a plan to receive the money safely while sis told them that we were going to Dressrosa. All of us...except the Prime Minister of course.

Diana: Hey, Minister. Inform the World Government that we are keeping an eye out for Doflamingo now as they have broken the treaty and have conducted illegal trade, helping the Yonko build his army with the help of wanted Scientist, Caesar Clown. Tell him if he doesn't repay his debt or has another crime, we'll take this into our own hands.

We prepared the Requiem for a long trip and we were off. It doesn't show somehow in the anime or Manga but islands are placed farther than many people think. It takes multiple days to get from one island from the next, it often takes weeks even if they ship is slow. Since our ship can fly and pretty much ignore any obstacle, we'll get to Dressrosa within 2 days at this rate. We can get there much faster but that's going to use my Devil Fruit powers for an extended period of time. Which is something I don't want.

I didn't completely waste the time going to Dressrosa though. I used the kitchen and made around 10 portions of Soba noodles and the sauce and put them all in my inventory. Who knows when I...or we might need it?

As we neared to sea of Dressrosa, sis told Sarah to slow down to ship and approach it at a slow pace. Which would be around 3~4 hours until we reach Dressrosa. With the time problem carefully considered, sis called Doflamingo.

POV Doflamingo

This little brat...! He's been causing me some stress lately but it's done now. kekeke

I had just beaten down Law and was had tied his to a makeshift throne when my Den Den Mushi began to ring.

*ring* *ring*

This is...

Me: Wha—

Diana: The promised payment has not been made. We're coming to Dressrosa for an 'Inspection'. I hope you understand what that means.

What? SHIT! NO!

Me: Wait, the mone— *click*

Those damn twins! They were probably waiting for a chance like this! Even if they come from Safe Haven now, it's going to take a, with their ship it'll take less than 2 days. I'm going to have to wrap this place up and stay low for a while.

POV Kara

As Dressrosa came into sight, I activated my Observation haki to see what the situation was.

It seems we weren't too late. The Arena fights were still on...though the prize didn't seem to be a Devil Fruit but rather a ridiculous offer from the Donquixote Family. I felt Sabo and Koala'a presence on the island, though I can't pinpoint it exactly as there were simply too many non-Devil Fruit users. They tended to blend in unless I really memorized them...I'll need to properly keep that in mind.

Doflamingo, it seems, just finished his fight with Law and has successfully tied him up while the Straw Hat crew is starting to pull off their plan to beat Doflamingo and maybe free the people while they're at it.

Me: This is kind of private for me, for I'll go to the island first and take care of a few Donquixote family executives. Could all of you stay up here and support the people from above?

Diana: I'll make sure they do, you do your thing. Just make sure not to fight Peeka yet, we don't want all of Dressrosa to know what it up. And I know you can neutralize it but be careful of the Birdcage.

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