First lesson

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We continued to train for another hour or so before we swapped out our ice skates for roller skates. We had to travel a kilometer or so to meet Miss McKay for our first lesson.

Although I was dreading having to learn something the sun was coming out and it was putting me in a much better mood.

We all meet near the lake wear coach had instructed us Miss Mckay would meet us, and sure enough, she was standing waiting for us.

I laid against a log as Charlie, Averman, and Adam sat on the log.

"Hey, team who is ready for our first lesson?"Miss McKay asked.

"Meeeeeeeee, "I yelld sarcastically.

"Well someone being sarcastically ready is better then no one being ready at all"

I chuckled, a teacher that could have a joke. Now that's rare.

"Now today we will be learning about the beginning of sporting in Greece. Ancient Greece was the beginning of Western Civilization. See, in Greece, they didn't have professional sports...or Wheaties boxes. So the athletes competed for another reason...Anybody?"Miss McKay asked

"Falafels?"Goldberg answered

"Ohh. Greg."McKay chuckled

"You wish, Goldberg," Fulton said

"Charlie?"Mckay asked

"Pride," Charlie said.

I turned and looked up at Charlie and gave a small golf clap. He chuckled before Miss McKay began to speak again,

"That's right. The various city-states waved their flags...and wore their home colors proudly."

"Did America always dominate?"Fulton added

"Fulton" Everyone sighed

"That's a good question," Dean added

"No. America wasn't around back then."McKay answered.

Fulton looked down at the ground, I looked at him and gave a little smile before mouthing "don't worry mate"

"it's okay. Don't forget that compared to other countries...America is still young, still forming its own identity."Miss McKay went on.

I focused intently on what Miss McKay was saying until I felt someone begin to brush my hair with their fingers. I quickly swung my head around to find out who was playing with my hair.

Charlie sat behind me with my hair still between his fingers but he quickly let go after he saw my face.

"Sorry" He whispered

"No no don't worry it felt really good" I whispered back.

"Elyse, Charlie anything you need to share with the team?"Miss McKay asked.

"Noooooope" I replied

Miss Mckay shrugged before continuing,

"America is a teenager just like you."McKay continued.

I felt Charlie's fingers go back into my hair, it was relaxing. The warm sun on my skin, the nice view, and a cute boy playing with my hair?! This is paradise.

"Like us?"Jessie asked

"You bet. A little awkward at times...but always right there on the verge of greatness."McKay said

"Amen" I reply

We all chuckled.

I was living the life that most dream of.

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