New look

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The team was up early for the much-anticipated game against Iceland

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The team was up early for the much-anticipated game against Iceland. By 8:00 we were all in the change rooms sitting quietly waiting for the game that would be happening two hours later.

I decided to break the silence,

"You know everyone is so tense right now, I bet you could stick a piece of coal up each of our asses and in two weeks we would have diamonds, "I say.

Everyone chuckled,

"Did you just quote Ferris Bueller?"Avermann asked.

"I sure did"

"Well you have excellent taste in the film"

We were suddenly interrupted by the coach entering the rooms.
He looked different.
Very different.
Ridiculously different.

"All right, are we ready for warm-ups" Coach said

We all just stared at him.

"Come on let's go, "Coach said.

"Nice style coach," Charlie said sarcastically.

"What in the ponyboy from the outsiders is going on with your hair," I say while pointing to his very slicked-back hair.

"What you lose a bet or something coach?"Jesse asked.

"Nice haircut," Dwayne said sarcastically.

"Okay okay, enough insults now let's get out on the ice" Coach chuckled.

We all laughed before grabbing all our stuff. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Fulton and Dean talking seriously to the coach,but I couldn't make out what they were talking about.


After an hour and a bit of warm-up, it was finally time to play hockey.

I started on the bench, which was my least favorite place to be,even if I had just got body checked.

This game had only just started and I could tell it was going to be a tough one.

Two minutes in and Dean was sent out of the game.

"You're throwing him out? You can't do that!"Coach yelled at the umpire.

The coach was getting real heated, more heated than he usually is.
The umpire just skated away.

"Aussie your up" Coach said while patting me on the back.

I took a deep breath in and skated, nervous as hell.

Dwayne currently had the puck leading it down the ice. From a distance, I could hear the others yelling at Dwayne to try to get him to pass it.

I could see what was about to happen, I skated as fast as I could trying to make it to the person who was about to body check Dean.

I was able to body check him but it made little difference to him also body checking Dwayne, ultimately making us lose the puck.

This game wasn't looking too good.

A/N Sorry it's a short chapter!

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