Pre game

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We all got to the arena two hours before game time, no one talked as we were all nervous as fuck

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We all got to the arena two hours before game time, no one talked as we were all nervous as fuck.

Still haven't talked to Charlie.
Who would have thought that Elyse, the feminist, would be so utterly in love with a boy that she would be this upset over not talking to them?

There's that word

Anyway, before the game, we did a little warm-up and had a little pep talk from Coach.

It went along the lines of "No matter if we win or lose it's been a pleasure coaching you all"
Or something along those lines.

We all were stretching, warming up, and just doing the last of the finishing touches before the game in 15 minutes.

"Coach," Adam yelled as he ran through the doors of the changing rooms.

"I woke up...and the pain was gone." He said as he began to twist his wrist around.

We all cheered.
We were off to a good start.
Coach wasn't as excited.

"Adam, I'm sorry, we already have a full roster."

The excitement died down.
We all went back to getting ready.

"He can have my's what I can do for the team." Charlie said.

Could he be any more attractive?
Now I've just got to add unselfish on his list of perfections.

Coach nodded and we all yelled excitably.

"Charlie, I need you on the bench, coaching right there with me." Coach suggested.


The stadium was packed.
It's the most people I have ever played against.

The team and I were all waiting in the box for the buzzer to signal the beginning of the game.

"Heads high.! Stand tall.! Fly straight.!U.S.A.!"Coach chanted

"All the way!Wooo!Wooo!"We cheered.

The buzzer signaled the beginning of the game.

I along with the rest of the team we took a deep breath in before stepping out on the ice. The crowd was going wild, I felt like I was playing in the pros.

I skated over to the face-off along with Guy, Connie, Averman, Dean, and Goldberg.

"Lookie here little bambis here for round two, "A very thick accent said.

I looked up to see none other than the boy who had been teasing me days before.

"Just shut the fuck up and play the game"I reply.

"Still as feisty as before, I love a girl with a little bit a spice"

"Well you in luck I love egotistical and arrogant boys, so your just my type!"I say sarcastically.

He just looked at me, maybe that will shut him up for a while.

The umpire held up the puck before dropping it onto the ice.

The game we had all been waiting for had begun.

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