4: Under Control

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I woke up to Jack trying to get out of bed.

"I'm so sorry, I tried not to wake you" he smiled slightly "I have to get to practice"

"It's ok, I guess I should be getting up anyways" I stretched slightly giving him just enough room to fully get up and off the bed.

"I'm going to take a shower, I'll be right out" he kissed the top of my head before giving me a small smile and walking away.

As I watched him leave, I couldn't shake the overwhelming feeling that overcame me. This couldn't be happening, this was too soon and too stressful. I was growing feelings for Jack Hughes.

I shook myself off, convincing myself that's not what was happening. I had convinced myself that I had confused actual feelings for feelings of gratefulness of him always protecting me.

I quickly got ready and went to the kitchen to see if I could find something to make us for breakfast. As I opened the fridge, Jack walked into the kitchen.

"I was trying to look for something to make for breakfast but I'm starting to realize I don't know what you like to eat for breakfast anymore" I closed the door offering him a smile.

"I will literally eat almost anything" he chuckled running his hand through his hair.

I always loved the way he looked when his hair was wet, especially when he ran his hands through it.

"Oh, what would you like then?" I giggled softly.

"You don't have to cook for me, I can always grab something on the way to practice" he smiled.

"Oh, ok. If you're sure" I slightly smiled.

"Hey" his voice brought my eyes to his. "Why don't you come to practice with me?"

"What?" I looked at him confused.

"Come to practice with me. It'll be like when we were younger and you used to watch us practice. It'll be fun, you can meet some of the guys and we'll grab breakfast on the way. What do you say?"

"That sounds awesome" I smiled at him.

I sat as far away from the ice as possible when we got to his practice. I settled with my legs sat on the surface in front of me and waited for practice to start. Although I didn't eat much, what food I did eat was starting to settle heavy in my stomach as the team came out on the ice.

Seeing Jack throw me a smile as he skated on the ice gave me a swarm of butterflies in my stomach. I quickly smiled back before he got to talking with a group of other players.

"Stop it Bailey, you're going to ruin one of the best friendships you've ever had...if not all of the best friendships you've ever had" I whispered to myself trying to give myself a stern talking out of letting myself feel something for Jack.

I kept trying to tell myself that I had been so stressed and so broken over these past few years and that was the cause of my so called feelings. Just because Jack had taken me in and was taking care of me that it brought out what I'm confusing as romantic feelings but are really just feelings of adoration for one of my best friends.

When practice was over, Jack waved me down to the ice. I reluctantly walked down to meet him where he was holding the door open with two other guys.

"Bailey, this is Nico and Kyle. Guys, this is Bailey" Jack motioned to me.

"Nico, it's great to finally meet you" Nico said shaking my hand.

"Yeah, we've heard so much about you. I'm Kyle" he said shaking my hand next.

"Nice to meet you guys. I didn't think Jack would talk so much about me at one practice" I joked with a small laugh.

"One practice? He talks about you all the time" Nico started.

"Yeah, never shuts up" Kyle added as I shot Jack a curious look.

"Alright guys, you met her now let's go" he waved them off as they waved their goodbyes. "I'll be right out and then I can take you home ok?" He turned to me.

"Take your time" I offered him a smile.

When he did return he approached me with a smile on his face.

"You ready?"

"You bet" I stood up.

Jack led me to the car with his hand pressed to my lower back. I wasn't shocked at the gesture as much as I was shocked by the way it made me feel. After everything that had happened I felt like I should feel jumpy, scared, unsure instead I felt comforted, safe, loved almost. It made me want to stop, turn and wrap my arms around him...and that's exactly what I did.

"Everything ok?" I heard him ask softly as he wrapped his arms around me, coming to a stop as well.

"Yeah I just...thank you. Thank you for not making me feel afraid, for putting up with me through all of this" I dug my face into the crook of his neck.

"You don't have to thank me for that Bailey, you know I love you" he rubbed my back.

I knew he meant love in a friendly way but I couldn't stop my heart from beating faster or my breathing from becoming shallower either.

"I love you too" I almost whispered, completely unsure of which way I meant it.

"Hey, let's go home" he pulled away from me with a smile.

I nodded and got in the car. When we got back to his place he said he had to run and do something and to just relax until he got back.

It was getting close to evening and I was laying on the couch when the door opened and he entered with a smile and bags from one of my favorite restaurants.

"I hope it's still one of your favorites" he chuckled holding up the bags. I could have kissed him that very moment.

"It sure is" I straightened up as he placed the bags on the coffee table. "You didn't have to do that" I looked at him seriously.

"Of course I did. I figured we could watch a movie and just relax together if you wanted"

"Perfect" I patted the couch next to me.

Once we were settled with our food and the movie was playing I noticed Jack giving me a look.

"What?" I laughed looking over at him.

"Nothing, you know the guys kept asking me questions about you this morning" he explained taking a bite of his food.

"Oh yeah? They wanted to know how you ended up with a charity case huh?" I joked with a laugh.

"Actually..." he trailed off causing me to give him a look telling him to continue. "They thought you were my girlfriend" he laughed.

"Oh" I breathed a laugh. "The two I met seemed nice" I side stepped the entire conversation. There was no way I was making this more awkward because I couldn't sort my feelings out.

"Yeah" he left it at that, probably not wanting to make anything awkward either. For the moment, I had things under control.

In the middle of the movie, after we had finished our food, I looked over at Jack who was focused on the movie. I remember how well he reacted when I cuddled him the night before that I decided to just go for it.

I scooted closer to him on the couch and laid my head on his shoulder. His arms instantly came around me and pulled me closer.

"This still ok? I mean...you have to cuddle your girlfriend you know" I joked trying to keep things light.

"Of course it's ok. Girlfriends always need cuddles" he laughed.

As crazy as it sounds, the feeling of needing him washed over me. I tried to shake it off but I couldn't. I tried to convince myself I wasn't feeling what I was feeling, but I was. One thought kept popping into my head as I felt him against me.

If only we weren't joking.

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