5: Dance Around It

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A few days later, I sat on the couch looking through help wanted posts as Jack got ready for an early game he had. There hadn't been much available in the area and it was starting to get frustrating.

"What are you doing?" Jack walked behind me as I threw my head back in frustration.

"Trying to look for a job but there's been nothing" I breathed out.

"Why are you looking for a job?" He asked, his face twisted with confusion.

"So I can save up enough to get a place and get out of your hair" I giggled looking back at the screen.

"Stop" he sat next to me and closed my laptop. "You don't need a job, working just exposes you more and it's too soon for that. Plus you don't have to leave and I don't really like the idea of you living by yourself with everything going on anyway.

"You're sweet to worry but I am not going to be a burden to you. This is my problem, not yours" I placed my hand on his arm.

"You're wrong. First of all it's not a problem, second I promised to keep you safe and you not living here and going to work will make that harder" he looked at me seriously.

"I know you'd prefer if you had your place all to yourself" I breathed a laugh opening my laptop again.

"Why would you say that?" He closed it again.

I eyed him.

"Because everyone prefers their privacy" I cautiously opened my laptop again just to have him close it...again.

"Well I prefer to have you here, where I know you're safe and where I can protect you if you're not" he explained moving the laptop off my lap.

"Jack I-" I started before he stopped me with a hand on my knee.

"Please. I promised I would take care of you, let me take care of you" he almost pleaded.

"I won't be living with you forever" I barely got above a whisper.

"I wouldn't care even if you did" he smiled at me.

It was silent between us for a second as tension filled the air, pure and unexpected romantic tension. As I looked into his eyes I could tell he was feeling it too. Our heads slowly leaned forward before I even gave it another thought. His hand moved to my cheek just as my phone rang.

"Of course" I mumbled under my breath.

I pulled out my phone looking at who had just ruined that possibly incredible moment for me.

"It's Luke" I looked up at Jack.

"Take it, I have to get going anyway" he got up patting the top of my head.

"Good luck tonight, score a goal" I giggled answering my phone.

"Just for you, I will" he smiled walking out the door.

Watching him leave I became painfully aware of how good he looked in his suit. The way his jacket hugged his body just right, how his hair fell perfectly and his smile...that little happy smile on his face as he moved closer to mine.

I was so bitter with Luke for ruining the moment that I almost laughed as I focused back on the conversation I was having with him.

"I haven't heard anything from anyone back home...well not home but...you know" I answered Luke's question of if I had heard anything about my ex and if he was mad enough to try something.

After I was done with my conversation with Luke I threw my phone to the side before leaning my head back and wondering what to do with my time that Jack would be gone.

Something To Believe In - Jack Hughes [New Jersey Devils]Where stories live. Discover now