Chapter 25

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“Let’s carry her!” Axel suggests.

I shake my head, “Don’t you dare! You better get a damn wheelchair!” I demand.

“There’s no time for that honey, not unless, you want to get caught and salvaged by those beasts.” Axel hurriedly states.

Maddox slides his arm on my back, while Axel slides his arm on my lower part. “I will get hurt if you try to pick me up!” I exclaim, grasping Maddox’s hand while he hoisting me towards his chest. I groan in pain, feeling the ache on my back. “Fudge, carrots, baby carrots, steak,” I mumble.

Maddox quizzically looks at me, “I talk about food when I’m in pain.”

“Well that’s unusual,” Maddox mutters. “Nonetheless, I still love you.”

Axel put on a sour face, “Ew! Love is in the air!”

Maddox glares at him, “Stop talking, cunt.”

Maddox carefully carries my back outside, looking at every corner we pass. “Stay silent,” Maddox whispers. “It’ll avoid the atten—fuck! Run!”

And that was it, the careful Maddox, all, long gone. They were running, caring me like they were unstable horses. “Slow down! You’re going to break my whole body after this!” I yell.

“Hey! Why are you inappropriately carrying our patient—“, Maddox pushes him to the ground, the doctor plasters on a bewildered face. “Security!” He immediately yells.

Once he was out of sight, two chubby men holding doughnuts run towards us. “Stop in the name of love!” The one on the right yells, shoving the whole doughnut inside his mouth.

“Keep going! Their weight is slowing them down!” I exclaim. Suddenly, my eyes widen, “Holy shit! Broken! Broken! Broken!”

Maddox quickly glances at them, “Fuck! Let me!” He takes my lower part to, “Run bitch! Get the fucking car near the entrance!”       

Axel runs, running as if he was a unicorn.

"Hold on tight sweet cheeks," I hold onto his neck, once he sees a cart, he takes the side of it, making it fall down. He puts his arm back to place, on my back while I release my hands from his neck.

I cringe at the pain. Latching onto his neck made me hang my body upwards for a while. It was painful, knowing that your ribs aren't stable yet.

The entrance is clear, but there are security guards blocking the entrance.

"Fuck," Maddox curses. Maddox takes a sharp turn to the right, making me slightly unbalanced. He runs towards the emergency exit, pushing the heavy door. "Axel where are you?"

"I'm here dumbo!" Axel yells, across the street.

The door opens, revealing the Broken and the security guards. "LET HER GO! OR I'LL HAVE TO SHOOT YOU!" The guard yells.

"Fuck, why are bad things happening to me today?" Maddox doesn't let me go, he runs across the street. Passing by each car so swiftly and gracefully. Once he reaches Axel's car, he quickly places me at the back seat.

He hurriedly sits down, "DRIVE CUNT!"

Axel hits the paddle, making me launch foward, towards the ground. "PIZZA!"

"Dumbo! You didn't latch on her seat belt!" Axel yells.


"Will you shut up already? I have a migrain! And please, can one of you gentle woman help me up?" I exclaim. 

"Nope, we're not helping you." Axel irritatingly states. "This is all your fault! You're the reason why our parents use to hate us! You're the reason why we're in trouble! You're so we--"

"Cunt, you're making her cry for Pete's sake! Fuck you man! Don't blame everything on her! Blame me! IF YOUR FUCKING TIRED OF YOUR SISTER THEN GO TO HELL! YOU DON'T SAY THAT TO YOUR LOVED ONES CUNT! YOU FUCKING TREAT THEM RIGHT!" Maddox defends, holding my body, gently placing me back to the back.

I didn't know that Axel would say such thing. Maybe from all the love I reveived, I've never shown much gratitude to him. Maybe he's not appreciated that much from all his great doings.

I didn't want to say anything.

Why should I?

Just like he said, this is all my fault. I'm the cause of this.

Axel silently curses, but it is audible enough for us to hear. "I'm sorry Bree. I shouldn't have said that."

I nod in response, not trusting my words. This is all your fault, I thought. You're the reason why our parents hated us, what did I do? Why did they hate the both of us when Axel says that it's only my fault?

"This isn't entirely my fault Axel." I snap. "Whatever reason you're blaming me for is just--you know what, forget it. I don't know what I've done wrong." Or maybe I do. "You already said what you wanted to say, so sorry doesn't cut what comes put of your mouth."

"Now you're making a big fuss-"

"Will the both of you just shut up? Just blame it on me Axel, and sweet cheeks, stop being the Grinch, it's not fucking Christmas." Maddox snaps.

"Was I talking to you?"

"Shut up sweet cheeks." Maddox snaps, "I've had enough of your bitterness."

"Fine then!"

Author's Note: I SERIOISLY DO NOT KNOW WHAT'S GOING ON IN MY LIFE. I'm so busy with school, and now I'm sick because of this awful weather. But don't think it's your problem, I just have a lot of things coming up this month and next month.

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