treats -------->chp7

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Emma froze, Plagg dangling from her arm.

Marinette bit back a grin.

"Treats?" Emma cautiously repeated.

Marinette nodded. "Yup. Only girls who help clean the kitchen get treats."

Emma stood completely still, but Marinette could see the war as clear as day in her blue eyes. She pouted and whimpered and squeezed Plagg tight.

And Marinette waited patiently for an answer.

"What kind of treats?" Emma asked.

"Well," Marinette said. "That's a surprise. But, I will tell you that I have a whole bunch of goodies in my purse that we need for the special treats."

She could see Emma breaking. It wasn't as though Marinette was asking for a lot, just dishes being put away and the napkins being thrown out. "Do we have a deal?"

Emma pressed her face into the back of Plagg's head. Slowly, she peeked between his large ears to see Marinette. In a flash, she bounded to the table to put Plagg in a chair and immediately started handing Marinette the dishes.

Marinette grinned in victory.

With the dishwasher loaded and kitchen cleaned up, Emma looked at Marinette expectantly. "Treats now?"

"As long as you promise to help me with the dishes after we make the treats," Marinette said. "Promise?"

Emma nodded. "Promise."

"Okay. Wait one moment."

Marinette went into the front hallway to grab her purse then returned to the kitchen and set it down on the kitchen table. With a grin, she opened it up and pretended to dig deep inside. Emma scrambled up onto a chair to watch as Marinette put on her show. One at a time, Marinette pulled out each individual container, each holding a different ingredient. By the time she pulled out the bag of chocolate chips, Emma was wiggling in her seat anxious with anticipation.

Marinette never would have guessed that Chloe's daughter would be so adorable.

"Now, for one last thing." With a flourish, Marinette pulled out the big, pink card on which she had clearly written out the recipe and handed it over to Emma.

Emma took the card, but as she looked it over, her excitement dissipated.

"Can you read that, Emma?" Marinette asked.

She shoved the card back at Marinette, shaking her head.

Marinette frowned. "No?"

Emma shook her head again, this time not looking in Mariette's eyes.

"Why not?" Marinette asked, taking the card.

Emma's hands fell into her lap. "It's hard."

Marinette sighed. She had wondered about this, if Emma had been taught to read or not. Still, she was encouraged by the words "it's hard" rather than "I can't." Marinette rounded the table and sat down next to Emma. "Only if you don't practice," she said, setting the card down on the table. "Here. We'll sound out each letter together, okay?"

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