time -------->chp38

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Wednesday night rolled around, and Marinette was well prepared. She’d gone to the store, wandered down the sale aisles, and bought expensive chocolates and ice cream for under half price.

Who said dinner had to consist of anything healthy tonight?

She happily showed her finds to Adrien. “Valentine’s day may be all about the gifts, but wait until after to buy anything.

“Then what do you do for Valentine’s day?” he questioned.

“Time,” she said, walking through the door. “You give your time to the other person. Do something they don’t want to do so they don’t have to do it. Spoil them with affection and words. Just be there,” she answered. “Valentine’s day is for lovers. So love them.”

“You make it sound so simple,” he said, a bit breathless as he shut the door.

She shrugged, her heart racing at his voice paired with the earnest look in his expressive eyes. “Who said it has to be difficult?”

Adrien paused, his gaze falling away for a moment. “You know what I think would go really well with this?” he eventually asked, reaching for the bag of goodies before wandering into the kitchen.

After kicking off her shoes, she followed him. He walked over to the wooden bench that was along the wall and removed the seat, revealing a collection of wine bottles.

“So this is where you hide it.”

“My father bought it for me when Emma was born so that I could hide the stash in a place she wouldn’t get into. I don’t usually break into it, but now, I think it’s time to pull a new bottle.” He reached over decisively, pulling a bottle, glancing at the label, and putting it back. He grabbed the next one over then presented it to Marinette.

She read over the label over before catching the date. She looked up at him with wide eyes. “This must be worth a small fortune.”

“Maybe,” he shrugged, taking the bottle from her grasp then fishing through the kitchen for his bottle opener. “But it was a gift from years ago. There’s an investor that always brings my father and I bottles of wine as gifts. It does little good if it’s sitting under that bench.”

Soon enough he was holding out a glass for her to take. She had to admire it for a second before taking a sip. “Mmm,” she moaned appreciatively. “That is fantastic.”

Adrien followed suit. “Agreed. But I think it would go well with these.” He pulled out the biggest box of chocolates.

“I know it’s kinda breaking tradition,” Marinette said. “But I was thinking maybe a movie tonight?”

He grinned with approval. “I think that sounds like a great idea.”

Slowly, he wrapped his hand around hers and pulled her toward the living room. Her smile came unbidden as she allowed him to guide her, even though she knew where to find the grown-up movies.  She hadn’t had the opportunity to look them over before, so when she saw the title of one of them, she had to do a double take. “You have Pride and Prejudice?”

He pointedly didn’t make eye contact. “Maybe. Maybe it was something Chloe left. Maybe it’s something I use to cheer Alya up every once in a while.”

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