adventure -------->chp20

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"Are you free Wednesday night?"

Marinette froze at the sudden question.

“For game night?”

It took a long moment recall that she had, in fact, decided to go through with that. She had been so close to tears that night, yet she told herself that getting out of the house and playing video games with a friend would good for her. Alya had already had a long, long discussion with her regarding Adrien and how she thought they’d get along very well as friends. Just friends.

“Marinette,” Alya had told her. “Let it be known to the world that I have no intention of setting you two up on a romantic date any time in the foreseeable future. Okay? Can you please realize that I’m just trying to set you up with a friend to get you out of that bakery more?”

So, in order to make Alya proud, she had worked up the courage to suggest she and Adrien go through with game night. Because that’s all it was. A game night. It wasn’t a date. No worries.

No. Worries.

“Yeah,” Marinette eventually managed. “Wednesday works for me.”

“Great,” Adrien said, excited smile growing on his face. “Five-thirty? I can drop Emma off at my father’s for the evening.”

Marinette gave a nod. “Do you want me to bring anything?”

“Dinner?” he asked.

She giggled awkwardly. “Anything in particular?”

Adrien shook his head. “I’m good with nearly anything. It could be Chinese take-out and I’d be happy.”

A shy sort of grin crept across her face. “Is that what you want?”

“… Well,” he drawled out. “Now that you say it…”

She giggled again, immediately growing conscious of her awkwardness. Get ahold of yourself! “So, I’ll just bring a handful of different things and call it good?”

“That sounds awesome.”

“Okay. I’ll come around five-thirty, then?”

“Perfect. I have my old console sitting somewhere, so I’ll have to find that.”

“I can bring mine over if you can’t find it easily.”

“If I can’t find it tonight, I’ll tell you tomorrow.”

“Okay,” she said. “Sounds good.”

“Good,” Adrien grinned. “I look forward to it.”


On Tuesday, Marinette was very excited. She came prepared with a handful of quilt patterns to present to Emma, wanting her opinion on which was her favorite. Then, there was the whole surprise of actually going to the fabric store and picking out the colors. Marinette herself could spend hours in the aisles, pulling out every fabric bolt and examining it and thinking of ten different designs to go with each one. Today, she’d have to tell herself to remain focused.

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