assistant -------->chp40

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It had been a week since Adrien had taken Marinette out for a date, and he was still riding on the high.

Of course, it might have been because he was taking her on another one tonight, but no matter.

Right now, he needed to focus on interviewing potential assistants.

As yet another young woman left the office, he crossed her name off of the list. Nathalie had been amazing at organizing a list of potential assistants for him. Now, he was tasked with interviewing all of them.

Nathalie had offered to do it for him, to screen the potential employees, but Adrien had insisted he take that task over so Nathalie could finally start planning a wedding.

She had grinned and quietly thanked him.

He interviewed the next prospect, only to dismiss her halfway through and cross off her name. He glanced down at the next person on the list and had to do a double take.

He blinked a few times before going out into the main room and looking it over. Sure enough, she was there. He didn’t recognize her with the way she grew her hair out, and she wasn’t wearing glasses. Yet, that was certainly her.

“Sabrina Raincomprix,”

She looked up, then stood and followed him to his office. He shut the door. “Fancy seeing you here.”

She gave him a smile, but it was forced. “I told Nathalie it wouldn’t be a good idea,” she said. “Not with… well, our whole past. I considered not showing up but… it’s so rude.”

He smiled. Same old Sabrina. “Have a seat.”

She quirked a doubtful brow. “You aren’t seriously considering—”

“You’re here,” Adrien said, taking a seat in his chair. “If anything, it’d be nice to catch up. I haven’t heard from you for four years.”

Hesitantly, she took the seat and set her purse down.

“Honestly, I want to know what brings you,” Adrien began. “What happened to your old job? You had a position working for some multi-millionaire keeping his business in check.”

“I did,” she shrugged. “But he didn’t appear know the difference between a secretary and an escort.”

Adrien choked.

Sabrina shrugged. “I told him it wasn’t my job nor paygrade when his advances got too obvious. And when he tried to raise my pay, I smacked him over the head with a stapler and marched out of his office.”

Adrien bit his lip to keep from laughing.

“That being said,” she started sheepishly, “that means I’m out of a job and kind of blacklisted because no one really wants to hire someone who assaulted her boss.”

“I’d hire you.”

Sabrina stopped in shock.

Adrien nodded. “It’d be nice to have someone I know I can trust to be my assistant.”

Her entire expression faded. “Even though I assisted Chloe in hiding her pregnancy from you?”

Adrien’s expression warbled.

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