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❝ I'm sighing internally right now ❞

"Thank you for calling Charlie's Books, where you request and we fulfill, this is Sawyer speaking how can I help you?"

"Sawyer it's me"

"Who's me?"

"Me, it's me, the girl from yesterday"

"Sorry I have no recollection of yesterday's events"

"I don't speak smartass, my ass"

"Not ringing a bell"

"Perhaps if I hang up and call again you'll remember?"

"Yeah uh probably not"

"You're joking right, I told you the same time tomorrow, yesterday how do you not remember"


"I'm sighing internally right now"



"Thank you for calling Charlie's Books-"

"Where you request and we fulfill, this is Sawyer speaking how can I help you? blah blah blah"

"You're rude you know that?"

"Very much aware"

"And annoying"

"Aware of that one too, my boyfriend calls me that all the time"

"I thought you were...."

"Ah so that catches your attention"

"Perhaps, so did you give up?"

"On what?"

"Telling your parents?"

"Oh about that......ahaha no I didn't give up, just prolonging on telling them"

"Does this boyfriend of yours know?"

"Know what?"

"That you're...."

"That I'm what Sawyer?"


"Uh-huh keep going"

"That you're um... actually I don't know what you are"

"I'm a girl"

"Well yeah I know that, I was talking about your sexuality"

"What about it?"

"Oh god, never mind. What's your reasoning for calling?"

"Just wanted to talk, I know working in a book store is boring"

"It's not...how would you know?"

"I don't, I just have this gut feeling that it is"

"Well it's not, it's quite fun actually"


"What do you need? What book would you like to order?"

"Can I read you a small poem from one of my favorite books?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

"No, let me just grab the book really quick"


"Perhaps the saddest of all are those who live waiting for someone they're not sure exist"

"are those who live waiting for someone they're not sure exist"

"you know that poem?"

"yes it's one of my favorites"

"milk and honey is one of my favorite books"

"mine too"



"Same time tomorrow?"

"I'll consider it if you tell me your name?"

"I like the thought of you not knowing, it'll keep your mind wondering, laters sawyer"

dial tone

dial tone

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Nice Going Sawyer Where stories live. Discover now