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❝ woah there tiger ❞


"I'd be lying if I said you make me speechless, the truth is you make my tongue so weak it forgets what language to speak in"

"I absolutely love it when you quote rupi kaur and that quote literally just made me smile"

"You make me smile, in the past two months that we have talked, you have brought nothing but happiness to my heart and a smile to my face, and that's the honest to go truth Sawyer"

"Emerson, stop you're gonna make me fucking cry and I hate crying but it'll be happy tears, of course, gosh I'm so glad I picked up that phone call"

"That's all I want to see and do, to make you happy, to make you smile, and to know that I'm the one causing that warms the fuck out of my heart"

"You warm the fuck out of my heart, I crave your attention, your voice is like music to my ears and I can listen to you talk all day long and not get tired. I can't wait to feel your lips on mine and to feel your arms wrapped around me, I cant wait to be near you, in your space."

"Fuck Sawyer, seven o'clock can't get here fast enough, I'm so ready to see you"

"Only a couple more hours and I'll be right in front of you"

"To touch you for the first time, fuck my stomach is doing summersaults"

"And my heart is pounding so fast in my chest, like how am I this nervous and excited"

"Damn we're gay as hell"

"Yeah we are but that's okay, you make my gay little heart so happy"

"I'm glad, hey little doe?"

"Yes, Emerson?"

"Gosh I love it when you say my name"

"You love it when I talk in general"

"damn right I do, your voice is just so soft and innocent but then you do that tone that you do and I'm like woah there tiger"

"I have no clue on what you're talking about"

"you know exactly what I'm talking about, but I was going to tell you that, I'm going to talk to my parents today"

"Really? are you nervous?"

"Nah not nervous, I don't really care what they think about me anymore or how they feel, I'm almost 20"

"Good for you baby, I'm proud of you and they can't understand how you feel then fuck them"

"Say that again"

"Say what again?"

"What you just said"

"Fuck them?"

"No the word you said after good for you"

"Oh, baby?"

"Yes that, never stop calling me that"

"Okay baby"

"Nah I'm smiling so wide my cheeks are about to fall off"

"You're so cute, but I gotta go. I'll see you tonight my baby"

"See you tonight little doe, bye"

dial tone


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2023 ⏰

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