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❝ did it make you smile? ❞

"Thank you for calling Charlie's Books, where you request and we fulfill, this is Sawyer speaking how can I help you?"

"Pick a number between 1-10"



"Why are you calling the store phone when you have my number?"

"You weren't texting back and I knew the only way to get a hold of you was calling your job"

"I wasn't texting back for a reason, let me give you a hint as to why.......I'm working"

"Yeah and what about it?"

"You make me roll my eyes so hard"

"And if you keep rolling them they'll get stuck"

"Says you, what do you want?"

"You didn't pick a number"


"roses are red, my face is too, that only happens when I'm talking to you"

"That was the cheesiest shit I've heard in my entire existence"

"Did you like it?"

"Yeah it was pretty cute"

"Did it make you smile?"


"Then I have failed"

"I'm kidding you dork, it did obviously"

"Then I have succeeded, you can't see me but I'm smiling and now people are looking at me like I'm on crack"

"You are"

"Yeah your crack"

"That doesn't even make sense"

"When do I ever make sense?"

"You're right, you got me there"

"Uh you weren't supposed to agree"

"What else was I supposed to do, disagree?"

"Yes, but moving on, did you get the roses?"

"What ros- wait yes there was one white and black rose sitting on the small bench outside, how'd you know?"


"Em, you there?"

"I put them there, the white rose is for how innocent and sweet you are and the black one is for your second personality, the one that's mean to me"

"Em, you didn't have to get me those"

"I know I didn't have to but I wanted to"

"You're too kind, and sweet, and cute"

"Yes I agree, I am all the above"

"Cocky ass"

"Not cocky, okay maybe just a tad bit"

"Thank you, for the roses"

"Don't thank me yet, I gotta go though I'll call you later tonight"

"Okay, goodbye Emerson"

"Wait, say that again, I like it when you say my name"

"Goodbye Emerson"

"Okay fuck I didn't mean say it like that, holy hell I gotta go bye"

dial tone

dial tone

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